Interview With 'Bloodmores'

Firstly, introduce yourselves, and tell us a little bit about the band, and how you came to be.
Hey everyone, we are Bloodmores, based in the North-West of England, and we're comprised of:
Alex Cunliffe – Guitar/vocals
Richard Jodrell – Guitar
Connor Heelis – Bass
Chris Mansell – Drums
We originally started writing for this band when a friend of mine introduced me (Alex) to Richard, who then introduced me to Connor soon after. The 3 of us wrote the tracks for our debut album together, and then met Chris at a later date, who nailed learning the tracks we'd written, and joined us on drums last year, so we've only really had a full line up since around November 2018, and have only been performing together since February 2019, after we released our debut album.
What were you all up to prior to the band, was this always the chosen path, or did you have other dreams and aspirations?
We've all been playing our instruments since our teenage years, and had all tried getting other bands going before this one, so we've all always been into music and performing.
Tell us about your latest album, and why our readers should check it out.
We released our debut album, 'The Seeds Of Seasons', on February 1st 2019, and it can be streamed and/or downloaded from all the usual places, like Spotify, Itunes, Amazon etc, with physical copies available via our Bandcamp. There's quite a lot going on on our album, as we have a lot of different influences between us all, so there's probably tracks on there for fans of any sort of Metal sub-genres. There's Thrash based tracks, tracks that are more influenced by Death Metal, there's some Metalcore soundings tracks on there, and our title track is definitely more of a Progressive Metal track than the rest, so hopefully there'll be something for just about everyone on there.
Who would you say is the band's main song writer, or is it a group effort, and where do you draw you inspirations from, lyrically and musically?
Musically, everyone has an input when it comes to writing. Almost all the tracks on the first album started as one person's idea, that was then presented to everyone else, and worked on from there, so it's always a group effort, however, when it comes to lyrics, up until now I've written them all on my own, but other members of the band have expressed interest in getting involved with lyric writing for future songs, which I'm of course totally open to. As I mentioned earlier, there's a lot of different musical influences that we each draw from for writing, but I'd say that the main shared influences between us would be like Hypocrisy, Arch Enemy, DevilDriver, At The Gates, The Black Dahlia Murder, Nevermore, Lamb Of God, and Unearth, just to name a handful. Lyrically, I try to make all our tracks cover a subject that we feel is worth singing about, so, for example, there are tracks on our album about the environment, and how we treat the world around us, as well as tracks about discrimination, or prejudice, and how we treat other people around us.
As a band, what do you believe is your greatest achievement to date, and why?
The release of our album, and just getting to finally play our songs live. Before meeting Chris, we'd been working on our album for a long time, but had never found a drummer to join us, and complete our line up, so to finally have everything finished, and be able to release our album, was an amazing feeling. I remember the guys just happened to come round to my house the same day that the first batch of our CDs arrived, and we were all so excited to finally have our album printed and ready to go on sale.
Have you ever come face to face with someone within the music scene who has left you awestruck, and why?
To be completely honest, none of us really get awestruck in the conventional way of like, staring at the band, motionless, just taking it all in. We all tend to just sing along super loud, bang our heads, and jump in the pit haha.
What do you enjoy most about touring?
We haven't actually been on a full tour yet, the longest consecutive run of shows we've done so far only lasted for 3 days, but we'd very much like the opportunity to open for a larger band, whose fans would enjoy our music too, on their tour, should the opportunity present itself.
If we were to head out to one of live shows, what can ourselves, and others, expect?
A lot of energy, for sure. We all love to perform live, and to interact with the crowd, and where I have to stay fairly close by to the microphone for most of the time we're performing, Richard and Connor definitely make up for it with their antics, and are forever leaving the stage to be in the crowd, or to climb on speakers for guitars solos etc.
If you had one artist/band that you could go on tour with tomorrow, who would it be, and why?
I thought this one would be pretty difficult to pick just one, seeing as how we all have such differing influences, and favourite bands etc, but it turns out that we all love the new As I Lay Dying album, Shaped By Fire, so they seem like a suitable choice.
You can spend an hour with a musical icon, living or dead. Who would you pick, why would you pick them, and what would you speak about?
Alex: Probably Ozzy Osbourne. No matter what we did, or talked about, I just know it would be hilarious.
Richard: Jeff Loomis. I've taken a lot of influence from him, and went to a guitar clinic he did in Manchester once, but it'd be great to just meet him like 1 to 1.
Connor: Paul Gray. I feel like Slipknot have been legendary in exploring new sounds, and he's been a huge influence for me personally, so it would have been great to have the chance to meet him.
Chris: I'd love to sit and have a drink with Lemmy, and just hear all his sex stories haha.
Finally, and most importantly, is Die Hard a Christmas movie?
It takes place at Christmas time, so yeah sure, why not? Haha
Thanks for taking the time to talk to us today, we're still a fairly small, and upcoming band, so we really appreciate your support.
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