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2000 Trees Festival: Interview With Luke Rainsford

After his stormer of a set in the forest, we sat down with Luke Rainsford and spoke about how the music industry was treating him.

Luke, you’ve been around most the weekend, how have you found 2000 Trees as a festival?

Luke: It’s my first year playing and first year going, I’ve never been to a festival like this before and honestly it’s been incredible. Even the days I haven’t been playing I’ve been hanging round watching bands, it’s been so chill.

Its a different vibe.

Luke: Yeah, it’s so cool. It’s like I watched Turnstiles the other day and I was in a field surrounded by my mates, thinking this is great.

Turnstiles have most such energy!

Luke: Jason is such a sassy frontman as well, I wish I had those dance moves man! It’s been honestly great, seeing new bands and meeting new people.

Your performances this weekend have all been acoustic, is that something you might change next?

Luke: It can be really nice hearing bands striped back and because it’s quiet, you find people listen to it more rather then it just being a wall of band.

Would you ever take it the other way and do a full band set?

Luke: I do a lot of full band stuff already so a lot of my newer records have full band songs. In the future it’s going to go more in that direction and it’s more fun playing with friends. I love playing solo too but just having friends along is nice - like today I had a couple of friends helping me out.

You’ve played more than once already at the festival and still one more to go, how’s your body coping?

Luke: Yeah, playing at one in the morning tonight, played last night at half eleven on one of the busking stages, Camp Ruben and played this morning at half-past ten as well. Both so far have been really busy, I didn’t expect anymore to be there. Today at the forest was probably the biggest crowd I’ve ever played to, mind blowing! People were singing so loud and coming up to me at the end, It’s was so nice and really really cool.

Do you feel this festival has been a turning point in your career?

Luke: This whole year has been a turning point, I can’t pin point it to one thing. This year so far, I’ve done a full U.K. headline tour, I’ve toured with As It Is, played Slam Dunk and now this. There is still more coming and this year has already been a step up, like last year I was playing to four people and now I’m playing shows to hundreds of people.

To me, that is the best and coolest thing, I just wrote songs in my room and now I’m playing 2000 Trees with some of my favourite bands. I don’t get it but I’m so honoured to be here and it’s such an amazing experience.

Do you believe that the As It Is tour gave you access to the right market?

Luke: For sure, I am forever thankful to the As It Is boys for having me on that tour, they were so lovely and so welcoming to me. Dream State were lovely as well, they’re amazing people and a really amazing band. Every band I’ve met has been very accommodating because a small artist it can be quite intimidating with the bigger bands but I’ve just felt really welcomed with everyone.

Have you been star struck yet?

Luke: No, not really, like we’re camping next to Boston Manor. I don’t really think of it like their a big band, I think everyone is just a normal person who have other people who care about what they write and that is amazing. That’s the coolest thing about music, normal people can create some art and people can take from it, that’s beautiful.

Your lyrics are very personal, you’ve had response on social media from people connecting with your music. Do you think that connect with your fans is important?

Luke: Yeah, I love being able to talk to people. The best thing in the world is when people tell me my music has had any impact on them at all and that makes me so happy because I’ve been through stuff and been through this pain. It’s amazing if people can relate to my music and realise it’s not just me, I can get better, I can do these things and I can do want I wanna do and I don’t have to let what’s happening in my head stop me. On a lighter note, it’s good to have a laugh with people and tweet some dumb shit.

Because your writing is so personal, do you sometimes hit that brick wall?

Luke: Not really, I don’t force writing. A lot of bands tour then write a record for months. I don’t do that, I just write when I have something to say.

Do you write a lot on tour?

Luke: My songs from my last EP were written while I was on tour last year. That’s what my EP is about, being away while personal stuff was happening at home and me missing a lot of things. I don’t really set a side time to write, I just write when I feel like it so it comes out naturally. It’s an advantage to being a solo artist.

What would you say to someone who is going through a bad time at the moment?

Luke: I’d say, no matter what goes on in your mind and how bad things get, you’ll find times when you're so happy that you're not even going to think for a second about any of that at all. For me, when I’m playing a set even though my songs sometimes have negative lyrics, I am in that moment, I’m having the best time and everything is great.

It’s almost worth those bad times because you appreciate being in a field watching bands with your friends. Also, your not the only one going through it, it’s okay to talk about it. A lot of my problems where it got so bad was because I felt weird, I felt I was odd and that no one else felt it but it’s a normal thing. The best thing I ever did was talk to my friends about it because then I could tell them I’m having a bad day and just say look, can we cancel these plans, I wanna stay in, they’d say that’s fine. It doesn’t need to take over your life, it can be part of your life without it taking over and you can work around it.

As long as you don’t let it overcome you then it can’t stop you from doing anything. We are just people and there is nothing wrong with feeling unwell. A lot people say like exercise, eat healthier but it’s not something you can cure. But there are ways you can make it easier for yourself and everyone has different methods on how to deal with it. It’s making sure it doesn’t get in the way of your life because you still deserve to live your life to the full even if something in your head tells you don’t deserve that, you still do.

I wrote these songs in my bedroom and now I’m playing fucking 2000 Trees, it’s just ridiculous, like I said earlier and if I can do it then anyone can because I am the most unorganised person ever!

Anything that we can be excited for in the future of Luke Rainsford?

Luke: Nothing that I can really say, I really want to and I’m so bad at keeping secrets and I’ve been told I’ve got to be good. If everything goes to plan then we’ve got some really cool things lined up. I’m so thankful for me team, I’ve got a really great team behind me.

Any festival tips you would give?

Luke: I didn’t bring anything because we were suppose to be staying at a friends house.

What did you forget?

Luke: I forgot a tent so I’ve shared a friends tent, I also forgot a capo for my guitar, which was great, didn’t bring any picks, didn’t bring any food or drink, didn’t bring enough clothes because I miss counted the days we were here and I didn’t bring any money. Basically everything, so if you wanna go to a festival just don’t be me. So my tip is look at me and do the opposite.

Last question, what bands are you planning on seeing today?

Luke: Enter Shikari, both their sets, Basement, really excited for! Over the weekend, Dream State were really cool and Holding Absence were incredible.

Interview - Jake Williams

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