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Glue Ear - 'Curl One Out' EP Review


1. 120

2. Punk & Alleyways

3. Why

4. Child Killer

5. Not A Friend

6. Street Fight

7. Where Do We Go

Oooooh these guys don’t mess about. Straight in at 120 miles an hour. If you like your music like a drag race, high octane, over quickly, leaving you wondering what the hell happened then Glue Ear are for you. And we are only onto the first of seven tracks, the aptly titled '120'.

'Punk And Alleyways' is a slightly gentler affair, yup it’s still fast and furious but I can understand the lyrics, there is a touch of nostalgia, of owning the city, I think we can all relate to that, having a sense of place, feeling comfortable in your surroundings. 'Why' bursts into life with a shout. I do like an accent in a song! Too many people sing with an American style accent, I like to hear the bands local accent and Glue Ear are unashamed to sing in their Manchurian accent. This song is more detailed, showing the band is more than just another punk band.

'Child Killer, how do you sleep at night? It’s not fair, it’s not right'. Says it all really, angry as it should be, fast, simple, effective, nice little guitar solo. Nuff said.

'Not A Friend' has a two tone reggae beat, the first track that doesn’t start at breakneck speed although it soon gets up to speed. Reminds me of Sonic Boom Six in places, Expelaires in others, can’t be a bad thing right?

'Street Fight' has a lovely bass line, almost funky it throbs under a classic “Hardcore” song. It’s over too fast! You’ve got to hang on tight with these guys, mess about and they are gone.

Glue Ear formed for the best reason in my opinion, they didn’t like what they wanted from the local scene so decided to create the music the wanted to hear themselves.

'Where Do We Go' closes off this seven track EP, we are at the end, how did that happen, it’s over in the blink of an eye. You sure don’t have time to get bored of Glue Ear and as with the rest of the tracks the song comes to end all too soon, an abrupt one in this case, leaving a heavy silence behind it.

So what do I think then? Well they are Punk, Hardcore, Ska, obviously enjoying what they do. They are great, a breathe of fresh air at times but familiar enough to be easy to listen too.

Review - Andrew Forcer

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