Thirty Seconds To Mars Are Back With New Single 'Walk On Water'

Thirty Seconds To Mars are back with the release of their new single 'Walk On Water' available to download now.
After four long years, hundreds of days, thousands of hours, gazillions of seconds, we have finally managed to finish a single fu**ing song. Whoever thought “soon” would actually be here “now”. With the help of groundbreaking nanotechnology, chatbots and self-driving music software, we have wrangled from the depths of our cold black hearts, some semblance of a song. If you’re still reading this and managed to get this far, you should probably get to work or school before you get fired or grounded. If you’re stubborn, like I am, please continue and let me share with you a few words on our brand new single, the ever so subtle and minimalist ode we tenderly call ‘WALK ON WATER’. Of course this entire paragraph is complete and total hogwash but I’m not sure exactly what to say about the song. Honestly, we miss you all! We couldn't be more proud to share this, the first single off of our new album, with you. – Jared Leto