Within Temptation Release New Single 'Shed My Skin' Featuring Annisokay

Within Temptation have released the new single ‘Shed My Skin’, which is a heavy and epic anthem about the changes we all face in life and meeting them head on.
“'Shed My Skin’ revolves around dealing with inevitable changes in life. It is about becoming the person we are meant to be, even if that means losing people we love, but have grown apart from. Real growth begins where comfort zones end and that’s exactly what the song is all about: if we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living,”
reveals frontwoman Sharon Den Adel.
For this song the band have teamed up with German metalcore band Annisokay. ‘Shed My Skin’ thrives upon Sharon’s melodic vocal lines and with Annisokay’s frontmen Rudi Schwarzer and Christoph Wieczorek adding another layer of soaring, heartfelt vocals, the song has grown into an absolute bombastic Metal anthem.
Wieczorek comments,
"Within Temptation are a band we love and have listened to for many, many years. You can imagine how stunned we were, when they reached out and asked us if we want to feature on their next single – just because they love our music as well! We’re beyond proud about being a part of this amazing song and really hope the people out their love it as much as we do.”