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Mille Manders And The Shut Up - 'Shut Your Mouth' Single Review

There are times when it’s great to open up an e-mail for the news it contains, this was very much one of those times.

One of the UK’s truly great live bands and highly underrated recording artists, Mille Manders and the Shut Up are realising a new single, 'Shut Your Mouth' and are also going in tour in October and November.

The band are a multi genre but very much rooted in a punk ethos, they are however so much more than that!

The single itself deals with those delightful people who only contact you when they want something, who actually don’t care how you are or what’s going on with you but are only interested in what they want from you. It’s a very clear signal that the band are done with that kind of behaviour, if you’re a freeloader looking for a free ticket or t-shirt I’m going to suggest don’t waste your time asking this band!

It’s a brilliant single, full of the bands trademark song mic and vocal attack, they don’t mess about, the lyrics, the playing and Millie’s vocals are all bang on form, personally I think Millie is an underrated vocalist anyway.

The even better news is that the single is a prelude for a new album, release date yet to be confirmed, if it lives up to the debut album then it’s going to be immense.

If you haven’t seen Mille Manders and the Shut Up Live yet you’re wasting time, go buy a ticket now, you will be supporting a great band playing some great venues and you will get to hear some fantastic music, the last time I saw them both support acts, Earyx and Cosmic Ninja, turned out to be excellent as well but it’s worth paying to see Millie Manders and the Shut Up on their own, they are an exceptional live act.

Review - Iain McClay

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