KID DAD – 'Bloom' EP Review

1. Apartment
2. As Soon As America
3. Wire & Guns
4. Boat
5. Hello?
This EP is very much the sound of a band who are experimenting, searching and trying to decide what they ultimately want to sound like. It’s full of five different songs, each of which is strong in its own right but which don’t quite mesh together as a body of work. It’s just too diverse to make sense as one EP but that’s a good thing, you never feel like it all sounds the same, as you do with some bands.
What do KID DAD want to sound like? Are they going to be Art-House, Indie Rock, almost Soulful, introspective or full on out and out rockers. I honestly don’t know from this EP where they are going to end up but it’s starting to turn into a very interesting and intriguing journey. In some ways the destination isn’t that important, as long as they keep making music that is interesting, at times challenging and never less than great then does it matter?
Previously the lyrics have been very focussed on the introspective emotions. There is a clear attempt to broaden into wider themes with this EP. I’m not fully convinced every lyric works but when you’re trying to shift your emphasis and your style at the same time you can’t expect everything to work perfectly. My own personal favourite is 'Wire & Guns' which is more reminiscent of their earlier sound but still that little bit different!
There is enough here to suggest this band are worth watching, they have a feel of a group of musicians who are going to continue to create vibrant, interesting and, surprisingly, at times soothing music.
Go buy this EP, you will find that it changes throughout but is never less than great. KID DAD are touring in January, if they are as good live as they are on this EP then every gig should be sold out. Got your ticket yet?

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Review - Iain McClay