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Gin Wigmore Releases New Single 'HBIC'

Esteemed New Zealand born singer songwriter Gin Wigmore today releases a powerful statement of a single which she hopes will highlight and celebrate people in positions of power who are doing great things for the world. 

“Head Bitch In Charge - or HBIC if you’re short on time - to me feels like it should be a career choice highlighted on career day, don’t ya think? It takes a lot to willingly take the reins and steer things like a boss. It takes a lot to be a leader, and even more to be good at it. Holding compassion, consideration and empathy at the forefront of all decision making for the beings and environment you are responsible for. Withstanding public pressure and maintaining a clear focus on the greater good,”

“Too many times, throughout the history of humanity, we have offered platforms to dangerously insensitive people. People in positions of power committing crimes against humanity, animals and the beautiful world we live in. I feel it is our duty to combat the bad with the good. To see through the bullshit and do away with outdated ideas and tired methods. So, with this song, I hope to offer a soundtrack to the celebration of the HBIC that exists in all of us and commend those currently utilizing their platform for good. And with that, I’d personally like to dedicate this song to New Zealand’s own HBIC - Jacinda Ardern - for doing just that.”  

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