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Narrow Head Announce New Album + Release New Single 'Night Tryst'

Rising from the Texas underground scene, Narrow Head have quickly amassed a devoted following for their standout live performances and open-hearted, emotionally naked songwriting. They’ve now announced their signing to Holy Roar Records for their second album,

'12th House Rock'. Their latest entry is the distillation of the greatest moments in 90’s Alternative and Hard Rock with a fresh set of ears, thirteen tracks of Narrow Head's signature brand of bludgeoning lullabies bursting at the seams with creative ideas, new directions and massive, monolithic riffs.

Using distorted guitars as their primary vehicle, Narrow Head's wall of riffs add stark contrast to their best quality– deceptively sweet Pop melodies -- showcased loud and clear in lead single “Night Tryst” -

The track, vocalist / guitarist Jacob Duarte explains, “I wanted to create a fairly dark world with my words. Kind of like the reality William Burroughs creates in Naked Lunch: a grimy world of drunks and druggies filled with endless nights of unknown substances, pleasures, and regrets. I put my life and experiences into that world and those are the words that came out.”

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