Nova Charisma - 'Exposition II' EP Review

1. Diary (Don't Speak)
2. Gemini
3. Hoxton
4. Sonya 'Exposition II' is defined by it's sense drama, of space (that feels minimal and maximal in a really nice way) and it's balance of Prog technicality with interesting songcraft. And guess what? It works.
Donovan Melero and Sergio Medina aren't strangers to the music world, having both done their time in Post-Hardcore leaning Hail The Sun and Stolas respectively, but in the duo Exposition albums they branch out from the comparatively more straight forward heaviness of those bands to give us something else to chew on.
Populated by atmospheric synths and tons of little sonic touches that compliment the meat of the songs, and I promise not to stray too much into a sandwich metaphor here, the four songs on display here each feel like their own movement. Dynamics whisper and roar along driving songs that make whatever you're doing at the moment feel kind of mundane in comparison. There is a strong control of sonic space throughout that some of the more proggy leaning records out there tend to forget about. Sure, there's a lot of bombast here, but it's tightly controlled. None of the songs pass the three minute mark!
Comparisons to The Mars Volta or any of the plethora of bands Anthony Green is involved in could definitely be made, and not without reason, largely due to Melero's distinct-yet-similar high tenor. BUT it's largely in a “yeah, this reminds me of ______” in an homage sense and not a rip off.
All in all this is a thoroughly solid collection of songs balanced by tight songcraft/musical curiosity and some kickass technicality.

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Review - Julian Hepworth