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Hands Off Gretel - 'Angry' EP Review


1. She Thinks She's Punk Rock n Roll

2. Don't Touch

3. Bigger Than Me

Has someone upset Hands Off Gretel? This EP lived up to its name in terms of the passion and aggression on show!

Having become a fan of the band after their last album then having the pleasure of seeing them live only to also fall in love with Lauren’s solo album I approached this EP with a degree of trepidation, could this be as good? The answer is a resounding yes! The quality levels have not dropped.

What I really like about this band is they feel like a band that could do anything they want, right now it’s Punk Rock, next? Does it matter? When you’re this good and have this much music coming out of you then do what you want, at some point you’ll find your limits but it’s not happened yet!

The artwork for this EP is Lauren’s own, the three songs are Punk Rock but with so much more. Hands Off Gretel have that unique ability that all great bands have, they are as happy being quiet and letting less be more as they are rocking to the max (which they do and then some!)

At times they remind me of Hole, at others the intensity is like Patti Smith at her best, then, out of nowhere they sound like nobody else you’ve ever heard.

Hands Off Gretel are about to go on tour (I’m gutted I can’t find a way to be there). If you can you should go, you really won’t regret it, this kind of Rock and Roll attitude and ability doesn’t come along very often.

Review - Iain McClay

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