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InMe Release New Single 'Shame'

With the January 17th release date of ‘Jumpstart Hope’ drawing ever closer, UK Rock icons InMe begin their new year with the unveiling of ‘Shame’, the latest single to be drawn from their upcoming full-length release. Known for being boldly transparent around his ongoing battle with mental health, Dave outlines the lyrical influences of InMe’s latest single:

“The whole of ‘Jumpstart Hope’ is very open and honest, but ‘Shame’ is particularly profound and poignant, ending the album on an insane beast that brutally addresses my personal feelings of shame. It’s something we’ve all felt at some point in our lives, for whatever reason, but it can be haunting."

"One thing I think I would say is that there is no shame in turning to others when you need help...if anything, there is an incredible strength to this, as it’s not always easy to do. I’m very proud of both the album and this song in particular, which is why it’s the fifth single we’re releasing from the record. We hope you enjoy the full experience when it hits!”

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