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Lande Hekt - 'Gigantic Disappointment' EP Review


1. Wake Up

2. The Future

3. Aeroplane

4. Carpet

5. Everything Ends

6. Letter

7. Gigantic Disappointment

I’ll be honest I don’t know the Muncie Girls (The band Lande is in) so I have no idea how this compares to their releases.

As a stand-alone debut EP this is an impressive start. Given everything was recorded by Lande she clearly has a lot of talent, she channels it well here in a poppy punk record that also has its introspective moments.

There is a feel of 90’s female fronted Rock bands such as Lush and Sleeper but also, I think intentionally, the Garage Rock of the 80’s bands like the Replacements. There is a bit of a DIY feel to this EP but not in a bad way, it’s more reminiscent of the early days of Indie when people were experimenting and not afraid to try things. Not everything works perfectly but there’s enough things that work really well to make this well worth a listen.

The lyrics deal with quite serious issues and have an over all feeling of, not quite but almost, despair at times. There is a feeling of longing and need in some of the songs which I found really impressive. This is a songwriter who is clearly setting out on a journey, destination unknown but it could be somewhere really interesting!

All in all a good solid start to a potential solo career, where does she go from here? I look forward to finding out.

Review - Iain McClay

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