Black Peaks Release Video For New Single 'King'

The huge new Black Peaks video for their 'King' single is here.
Shot in India this week by friend of the band, film-maker and photographer Sam Lees, the video shows a simple journey of a man from town to dessert. As Will Gardner (Black Peaks vocalist) explains - "Sam (Lees) and I bounced back and forth ideas around the general themes of the song, especially around the key themes of reflection, struggle, strength and the general idea of 'a journey'. We love all of Sam's work and trusted him to create something that was a visual representation of how we saw the song musically. When we got a sneak peek of the first images through from Sam we were all blown away." From video director Sam Lees - "The video to accompany 'King' was filmed in the Thar Desert, Rajasthan, India on 16th and 17th September 2019 on a Fuji XT-3 and Fuji X lenses and edited at New Delhi airport on the 18th September. This was shot with the assistance of an entirely local crew without whom none of this would have been possible and I owe an eternal gratitude to Bhawani Singh for everything he did, from facilitating logistics and cast to arranging the manufacture of some of the props seen in the video. He took my directorial vision for this video and did everything he humanly could to bring it to life. He also kept me alive in the desert and kept beers cold in 45 degree heat. Black Peaks let me loose on my own to shoot this with almost no oversight and just their trust that I could deliver something that does their incredible new song the justice it deserves and my only hope is that achieved this."