OddFellas- 'OddfFellas' EP Review

1. Reason
2. Blame
3. Walk On By
4. Disguise
5. Dead
I’m beginning to suspect we are living in a Rock renaissance. In the last year or so I’ve reviewed more and more quality Rock songs.
What’s made it interesting is bands are revisiting all types of Rock, seeking to reinvent and make it their own, from 60’s swagger to 70’s Bluesy Rock to 80’s Hair Metal it’s all in the mix again.
The amazing thing is so much of it sounds like it could have been made at the time it references while still sounding totally contemporary.
Into this mix step OddFellas, sounding like the bastard child of Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, the Black Crowes and Lynrd Skynrd. This is high quality Rock music with a swagger. The lead vocalist sounds, at various times, like he could have come from either of Bad Company or Alice in Chains. The music just grabs you by the ears and drags you in, yet they they also manage to show a mellower side.
What’s not to like? Recently a lot of the big dinosaurs of Rock have either announced they are going to stop touring or cut back, there’s a gap opening up for someone to come in and take the traditional Rock audience, which is still very big. With this EP OddFellas are showing their intentions to be one of the bands that take this opportunity.
Time for them to tour the UK? I for one will be asking to be there!

Website - oddfellasband.com
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/oddfellasband/
Review - Iain McClay