LIONIZE Release Video For New Single 'Loneliest Whale'

Funk rockers LIONIZE are delighted to unveil the official video for 'Loneliest Whale', the first single off their forthcoming new album, 'Panic Attack!' (out October 18).
Filmed in Washington DC earlier this month, the video was directed by LIONIZE's own Nathan Bergman, Chris Brooks, and Henry Upton, with production by the band and MyGoodEye, and editing from MyGoodEye's Allison Woest and David Brodsky.
Frontman Nathan Bergman comments, "We decided for the first time in our career to direct our own music video. This is the world premiere for ‘Loneliest Whale’ - where I am desperately and depressingly searching for my pod. I think music is such a beautiful community that brings everyone together - and even when we are at our loneliest music seems to be a constant friend. Also we got Jean-Paul from Clutch in a whale costume, so that’s fucking awesome.”
Discussing the song on its release two weeks ago, Nathan elaborated, “The song ’Loneliest Whale’ is one of my favourite songs we’ve ever written. It was inspired by an article in Science Weekly about a whale that can’t find its pod because it’s sending and receiving frequency is unlike any other whale on Earth ( As we were writing the album, we began to understand that everyone feels like this whale. Politically, socially, economically - we all feel like we aren’t being heard. Our signals are crossed and we’re looking for our own pods, our communities. The chorus simply asks “Is there anyone out there, just like me?” So many times, especially as artists, we've felt most at home on tour or at a rock n' roll festival, where we've found our community.”