Twentythreenineteen – 'XXIIIXIX' Album Review

1. Lost
2. Losing Touch
3. I Am
4. Tangled
5. Remain
6. Scripted
7. Convince Me
8. Best Friends
9. Breathe
10. You
11. Drained
12. Ascending
The word that springs to mind after listening to this album is lush, it’s like a warm bath after a hard, physical day, it just soothes and envelops you. You can sink back into it and let it wash over you.
I did worry after the first few songs that they might be a one trick pony but, as they made clear, this is a band that can change it up and add a bit of oomph to their music when they want to, but their forte is the lusher sound that mostly makes up the songs on this album, albeit when the vocalist cuts loose he can really cut loose!
While I enjoyed it and think that they show some excellent touches and understanding of what they want their songs to do, I didn’t hear a stand out song that distinguishes them sufficiently from other bands I’ve reviewed recently, it’s a pity as I wanted them to blow me away at some point, but they never quite got there.
Don’t get me wrong, this is a good band with good (potentially great) songs, some other listeners may love one song in particular, others another song, but for me, it didn’t quite reach the heights of a five star album, it came close and I debated long and hard with myself over this. It may be if I was to listen to this again it would have more of an impact on me, I suspect it’s a grower of an album and my view will change over time.
I will keep my eye out for them touring, it may be once I hear them play these songs live the penny will fully drop. Give them a listen, you may get it in a way I didn’t quite. I think they are worth a listen.

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Review - Iain McClay