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Luna Kiss - 'Following Shadows' Album Review


1. Hold On

2. Monochrome

3. You Are

4. Unfamiliar

5. Hart

6. Close

7. Tribulations

8. Take Her Away

9. Following Shadows

10. Gravity

11. Not Afraid

The album opener, 'Hold On', sets the level for Luna Kiss, its an excellent song, unfortunately they don’t quite match its level throughout the rest of the album. However, it proves what they are capable of. Intelligent, challenging music with changes of pace and focus that make you want the song to never stop.

That being said, when they don’t quite hit that level they still found fantastic. There is an anthemic quality to many of their songs, whether that’s deliberate I don’t know.

Luna Kiss could be on their way to being the next big thing in Indie Rock. I suspect their ambition is wider than that, I think they think they could be the next big British band to break big in the states, they have that feel to their music, like they are trying to appeal to as wide an audience as possible.

What they haven’t quite nailed yet is the anthem that will take them all the way there. Once they have learned the knack of writing that, they could become huge.

Review - Iain McClay

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