Press To MECO - 'Acoustic' EP Review

1. A Quick Fix (Acoustic)
2. Strangers (Acoustic)
3. A Place In It All (Acoustic)
4. Familiar Ground (Acoustic)
5. If All Your Parts Don't Make A Whole (Acoustic)
6. Autopsy (Acoustic)
Press To MECO have decided to mix things up a little with four tracks from their most recent album 'Here’s To The Fatigue', one from 'Good Intent' and even a cover! Doing anything striped back exposes a band and either highlights your flaws or gives you an opportunity to create something different and excited. Press To MECO have done just that.
Kicking things off with the intimidating drums of “A Quick Fix”, it’s flows into a beautiful chord sequence and we hear those famous Press To MECO harmonies for more than likely not the first time. A tough start for the three piece, as this is one of the heavier tracks to try and calm down. “Strangers” is just like a song in the movies but the lyrics may say otherwise. This is the only cover for the Acoustic EP, originally by Sigrid and it does not disappoint - it’s soothing tones encourages you to sway or sing a long.
After seeing Press To MECO perform their first acoustic set at 2000 Trees Festival last year, I have been looking forward to listen to these track in my own time. Since I knew this EP was being released, this is the track I was been most excited for - “A Place In It All” is a prefect example of how talented PTM are, the highs and lows in this track, the timings and then of course those outstanding vocals!
Here we go! “Familiar Grounds” is a stand out track on the LP and it’s the same again here. It’s a bit more upbeat and higher tempo. Press To MECO have made an acoustic song happy and positive, something refreshing for sure! The next track is one I can imagine being sung around a camp fire on a summers night with instruments made of house hold items - “If All Your Parts Don’t Make a Whole” brings that image to life, another fun and bouncy track from the band.
Last but not least by far, we throw back to the bands break through album 'Good Intent' and they put a twist on “Autopsy” - an already peaceful song has been made into maybe what it should have been from the start?
This Acoustic EP has opened various new doors for Press To MECO, a fantastic decision by both band and label. If you want introduce someone to Press To MECO, this is the EP you start with.

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Review - Jake Williams