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Interview With 'VAYA'

Firstly, introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit about the band and how you came to be?

Raphael: Hi 3 Songs & Out, I am Raphael, 28, independent drummer & percussionist for a very long time… I met Victoria VAYA through a music store in Gland (CH), and she heard that I play the drums. One day, she called me to record the first drums of VAYA’s album. I’ve never left since .

Philippe: I’m a guitar and bass player too, I play in a few bands and sometime ago, someone I know sent me an email about a new band who was looking for musicians to join them and I was interested about it!

Victoria: Hey 3 songs, I’m Victoria or as everybody calls me now, VAYA ;), the white wolf or the dragon depending of which face, fangs and soul I am wearing on life or on stage. Words are going out of my fingers and loud high or graves voices of my full body for expressing all that vibrating energy running around and inside of me. VAYA arrived down of my pen, on white pages of my leather book under a tree lighting by a candle. The blow of its words and music took hold of me till today and it’s growing up more and more for the second album in process.

What were you all up too prior to the band, was this always the chosen path or did you have other dreams and aspirations?

Raphael: I have always played music in many bands to discovers different styles and meet people having influences from all over the world. Now I mainly focus on VAYA.

Philippe: I wanted to play in different bands, perform on stage as often as possible, go on tour everywhere I can and have fun!

Victoria: I am born into music, making me breathing from my birth and really begin at 4 years old. So today my aspirations are my daily work;) Expressions of life? my full time job through music, words and painting and? My all.

Tell us about your latest Album and why our readers should check it out.

Raphael: This double album is complete and so beautiful, between sweet and power. According to your mind, you always find your way to listen to VAYA.

Philippe: Well, it’s something new and original, very dynamic, inspired by the Indians of north America with different sounds.

Victoria: EP? No way :D A first double album guys! A studio record part and the second piece (CD) a live show recorded on studio so people can enjoy what they have felt on our live perfom; energy and sacred fire, dancing with the soul of our white wolf. And this first VAYA album is a limited edition of 1’000 pieces numbered by hand from 1 to 1’000.

Have you ever come face to face with someone within the music scene who has left you awestruck and why?

Raphael: Mark Kelly (UK-CH). I met him lots of times and I love his mind on stage! He has a really good spirit and funny self-mockery!

Philippe: Yeah sometimes when I went to one of my guitar hero’s concert, he was open to let people approach him after the show, to talk with him and dedicate his new album.

Victoria: Not yet, but waiting for it ;)

If we were to head out to one of your live shows what can ourselves and others expect?

Raphael: It’s difficult to describe it from the stage. I do everything I can to give my best every live show (no exception). I think you can expect a live show that you will remember. The voice is so powerful, and without any light shows. I am still surprised that the audience is thankful and go back home with the smile.

Philippe: A lot of fun, a good cohesion between us, only original songs with a good contrast and a good atmosphere!

Victoria: Energy, strong rocky voice and deliric guitar with loud drums and intensive sub; a bloody scream into your bones.

If you had one artist/band that you could go on tour with tomorrow who would it be and why?

Raphael: Coldplay would be an awesome band to tour with. They are so honest on stage, it’s amazing! Their music is intense.

Philippe: It would be with “Extreme”coz it’s a great band and I love the guitar player, he’s so awesome and so impressive the way he plays, he’s the one I think the most about actually!!!!

Victoria: Jack White, LP and Twenty One Pilots because they’ve got the good vibes, seems hard working spirit and authentic with their passion.

You can spend an hour with a musical icon living or dead, who would you pick, why and what would you speak about?

Raphael: I think I would meet Jack White. He is a powerful and complete musician. He has so much experience in the music business and he is still active! I would speak about today’s music industry and perhaps bet with him when the « real Rock » will come back on top music. I am not sure if one hour would be enough! (hahaha)

Philippe: It would be with the guitar player of “Extreme” Nuno Bettencourt! I’d talk about music, I’d ask him how he started playing the guitar, where he learned, what his influences are and how he became part of the band!

Victoria: First I would answer Jim Morrison but he is on my right shoulder days and nights)))) So David Bowie. Talking about stars: the growing and falling one;)

And finally and most importantly is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?

Raphael: No ! Love Actually is a Christmas Movie (hahaha)

Philippe: Yes it is for people who like action movies, including me, it’s a good gift to have a good time!

Victoria: Is it offered with pop corn?

Thank you 3 Songs&Out!

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