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Interview With 'Saint Tragedy'

Firstly, introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit about the band and how you came to be?

Wayne: My name is Wayne Wiginton and I am the singer of Saint Tragedy. This band originates back to over 10 years ago when I started it. We are a Hard Rock band that I always like to say is a mix of old school with a bit of new school. It’s been one hell of a ride so far, and if you haven’t heard of us yet, well ya have now.

Matt: My name is Matt Brudniewicz and I am the lead guitarist for Saint Tragedy. I have been playing guitar for about fifteen years and have a strong passion for what I do. I also have worked at various guitar shops either selling or teaching guitar during the past decade. I have been in Saint Tragedy a little over two years now. I first encountered the band when I went to see Michael Angelo Batio play at Q-Bar in Glendale Heights, IL. Saint Tragedy was one of the opening acts and in a matter of seconds, I was really enjoying their performance. My initial thoughts were that these guys sound great! I also appreciated their raw organic sound. One main point to keep in mind about Saint Tragedy is that we don't use an abundant amount of effects or backing tracks to produce our sound. We as a band take pride in that approach and continue to challenge ourselves while making new music.

Jason: Drummer. I've been playing for 30 years. I first heard of the band through Eric and was asked to substitute for a couple of shows. After that I became part of the band.

Eric: I have been playing bass for 25 years. I first started playing with Wayne as a temp. fill-in bassist, and well it kinda stuck. I have been on this ride ever since and am enjoying every minute.

What were you all up too prior to the band, was this always the chosen path or did you have other dreams and aspirations?

Matt: Music is a big part of my life, I honestly don’t know how my life would have been without it. I love playing guitar and discovering the endless joy it brings. There are so many different styles of music that I enjoy i.e. Blues, Classical, Jazz Fusion, Metal, Rock and Smooth Jazz. I also have a strong passion for science and obtained a Bachelors in Biology from Loyola University Chicago. Currently I work as an surgical orthopedic team leader. I am starting to get very interested in the field of forensics. Music and science have always been two strong passions of my life.

Wayne: I’ve been involved with music my whole life, but this is my first band, and as everyone calls it it’s “my baby” so I hold this close to my heart. It has forever been a dream of mine to step out on that stage and get into that comfort zone showing the world what you’re made of. Now it’s taken quite a bit to find that, but I feel like a lot of people seem to envy my confidence up there now.

Jason: I was working as a school bus mechanic with Eric. I knew that I wanted to be on stage when I saw Buddy Rich in concert as a kid.

Eric: Life without music would be dull. I have been around music my entire life would not know what to do with out it. In my spare time I fix things for money to pay bills.

Tell us about your latest EP and why our readers should check it out.

Wayne: We currently have an EP we put out back in January of this year titled “Prolonging The Agony” and you can find it anywhere online also pick it up at any of our shows. It is definitely one for your money I’d say. There has been a lot leading up to these songs that have made this EP, and you can feel the passion as you listen throughout it. I am very pleased with this one and I am honored to say I’m able to work with these gentlemen and bring you the upmost and personal songs you will hear out of us.

Matt: The EP has a good start about Saint Tragedy’s many talents. The songs are very personal and meaningful for the fans. I honestly feel if a fan can identify with one of our songs, then we as a band have accomplished something beautiful. We enjoy what we do, but strive to have strangers join our club. The EP has a nice catalog of aggressive, clean, melodic, shocking and soulful music blended together. The best way to find out for yourself is to listen to the EP in it’s entirety.

Jason: Our EP "Prolonging The Agony" is about getting past obsticles in life. There is a lot of different emotions and drive throughout it that can take the listener in a number of different directions. It has the feeling of heavy rythyms and powerful guitar riffs along with meaningful and inspiring vocals.

Eric: Our EP... Everything the guys said is true. Very proud of what we have put out. Takes your head and heart so many different places.

Have you ever come face to face with someone within the music scene who has left you awestruck and why?

Matt: The main person who continues to astonish me is Joe Satriani. When I was sixteen years old I remember dog sitting for one of my best friends. My friends brother was a big guitar fanatic and I came across his copy of 'Joe Satriani: Live in San Francisco'. I recall putting the dvd in and became immediately astounded by his performance. I did not know you could play guitar like that and make it sound so beautiful. To this day, that dvd is a strong musical influence of mine.

Wayne: Anyone who knows me, and knows me on a personal level will tell you my biggest influence is Shinedown. Mr. Brent Smith, the first time I heard this mans voice I could not believe there was such a sound that had existed. When I had the pleasure of seeing them live (which I have 5 times now) I was absolutely blown away by the raw talent that I was witnessing, they leave me speechless and with goosebumps each and every time.

Jason: I had met John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown band when I was doing security for a casino I was working at. I was able to talk with both John and Michael Atunes after the show. Both of them were extremely down to earth and humble. We talked about music, movies, cars and I can't remeber what else.

Eric: I have met many people in music, none of them overly famous. Everyone has been awesome in their own way, takes an amazing person to put everything into music, pack all that they own into a truck and drive around the country pouring their hearts out to anyone that will listen. That to me is awesome and knowing that others love music as much as us is a great driving force to keep moving forward..

If we were to head out to one of you're live shows what can ourselves and others expect?

Matt: Attitude and soul! Laugh out Loud, Wayne is probably shaking his head right now. To really experience Saint Tragedy, you have to come out to one of our shows. The four of us really enjoy playing in front of a crowd. I guarantee you will not be disappointed and have a good time!

Wayne: Well Matt I think definitely says this the best, indeed our shows bring attitude and soul. When we’re up there it is 110% all the time, and as you go from the crowd to the stage you lock yourself in a whole different zone. You want these people to experience the best live show they’ve ever seen, and I think we do it justice day in and day out.

Jason: Have to agree with them on that.

Eric: You can expect loud great sounds for your earholes!! Download the EP, listen to it over and over then come to a live show and get so much more amazing vocals, emotional heartfelt guitar solos, and a back beat to drive it all home.

If you had one artist/band that you could go on tour with tomorrow who would it be and why?

Matt: Alice in Chains, Metallica or Stone Sour. All of these bands were amazing live! They are also some of my favorite artist.

Wayne: Shinedown, Black Stone Cherry, and Halestorm I’d have to say. Three bands I absolutely look up to who I feel we’d make a great tour with, so much energy to go around.

Jason: Guns 'N' Roses. I've seen the opening concert of the 'Use Your Illusion' tour at Alpine Valley and was just blown away at the energy they had.

Eric: Ozzy Osbourne.. Because Ozzy Fuckin' Osbourne!!!

You can spend an hour with a musical icon living or dead, who would you pick, why and what would you speak about?

Matt: This should not come to as a surprise, haha. It would be the master, Joe Satriani. I would like to get in detail on his approach towards writing music. I find his work and music very intriguing. The feel and technique in his songs are perfectly blended together. It would be a honor to spend a hour talking about music theory and guitar technique with him.

Wayne: Obviously Brent Smith, I have never met the man at a show yet even, but if we were to sit down and talk about music itself I don’t think that conversation would ever end haha. He’s so passionate about what he does as am I and I feel like we’d connect so much on the soul and drive we bring to our music.

Jason: Freddie Mercury. The guy was just a musical genius. After I figured out how to actually talk, I would have to ask about musical arranging, composing, and whatever else I could.

Eric: Would have to be Ozzy. Wouldn't matter what we talked about (no one can understand what he is saying) just to shake his hand and thank him for all of the amazing years he has put his soul into that mic for all us.

And finally and most importantly is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?

Matt: Considering the movie takes place during a Christmas party, I would say yes.

Wayne: I would have to say yes on that one, but it’s more of your aggressive kind of Christmas movie, one to sure bring the family closer together.

Jason: I actually had a discussion on this not long ago and would have to say yes.

Eric: Not sure how it is a discussion. The list goes. 'Die Hard', 'Rudolph', 'Miracle On 31st Street', then 'It's A Wonderful Life'.

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