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Interview With '21 Taras'

Firstly, introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit about the band and how you came to be?

We are 21 Taras, we met back in 2014. I (Julian) met our lead guitarist James online on some band finder website and we arranged a rehearsal shortly after. We then played our first show a few weeks later.

What were you all up too prior to the band, was this always the chosen path or did you have other dreams and aspirations?

We were all pretty much involved in music in one way or another for a little while while before we met. The 4 other guys all went to school together in Littleton, Colorado while I lived in Alaska up until moving here in 2014. I think we all knew music was what our path was pretty early on, it was just a matter of what medium.

Tell us about your latest Album and why our readers should check it out.

Our newest album is called 'Change'. It marks a time in the band where we completely shook things up. Our goal with this album, and for our other releases that follow is to take the listener on a journey through our favorite musical periods. This album focuses on mid 60s and 70s Rock. Big influences on this album include the Beach Boys, Led Zeppelin, Queen and The Doors.

Have you ever come face to face with someone within the music scene who has left you awestruck and why?

So hard to pick just one experience, there have so many bands and people we have met playing music. Ultimately for us, it's all about making friends and changing people's lives with our music so anytime we can meet other band's that share that same mindset it is a special thing. Special shout out to our friends in Float Like A Buffalo who we will be sharing the stage with on November 25th at Larimer Lounge in Denver, Colorado. Love those guys.

If we were to head out to one of your live shows what can ourselves and others expect?

We take great pride in our live shows. It is a time for us to do something different than the record, but also a fun challenge to represent the songs. There are so many layers on the record, especially vocals so it a fun challenge to bring these recordings to life. We always try to things differently from show to show as well. I get bored easily so mixing it up is essential for me.

If you had one artist/band that you could go on tour with tomorrow who would it be and why?

I am currently really digging the sound of Sugar Candy Mountain so I would go with them. They are from Oakland and just seem like cool guys that also are inspired by a lot of the same music from the 60s that we are.

You can spend an hour with a musical icon living or dead, who would you pick, why and what would you speak about?

I would like to talk to Brian Wilson about his Smile project. Smile was the album Brian was writing right after Pet Sounds and I'd love to pick his brain about his writing process and just about that time in his life in general.

And finally and most importantly is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?

Yes. Definitely a Christmas movie, no question.

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