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God Complex - 'Created Sick' EP Review


1. Created Sick

2. Breeding Filth

3. Stonehand

4. Slumlord

5. Ordered To Be Well

No messing about with this release, the assault on your ears starts at the very first note, enough to take your breath away, thankfully the song eases for a moment, enough to gather strength for the next attack. The sound waves are literally pounding against my chest, I feel itchy, uncomfortable, uneasy. I love it! Second track “Breeding Filth” is like repeatedly hitting your head against a textured brick wall. It’s gonna leave a mark in the morning!

'Stonehand' is yet more full frontal assault, this EP really commands you to listen, “Come To Daddy” by Aphex Twin springs to mind, it’s that kind of feel. Each song lasts less than three minutes which keeps them fresh, you don’t get used to any before God Complex take you on to the next.

Four tracks in and I’m feeling claustrophobic, I’m anxious as all hell, there is just no let up. I have searched many bands for the most brutal sound I can find, Mutation, Atari Teenage Riot, Iwrestledabearonce. This band holds its own with all of these. I’m still searching for the perfect tune of this type but in God Complex I’m moving ever closer. 'Ordered To Be Well' closes the EP in fine style, the silence that follows pregnant with after images. It’s time for a lie down before pretending to function as a human again.

Needless to say you must please listen to 'Created Sick' as loud as you can cope with. I’m giving God Complex – 'Created Sick' EP three and a half stars out of five. It ticks most of the boxes but I think the band have kept a bit back. I expect great things from them in the future, definitely ones to watch.

Review - Andrew Forcer

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