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NEONWAVES - 'Wish To Be Seen' Single Review

You know that feeling, when you’ve agreed to something, forgotten about it and then someone reminds you? Usually it’s a phone call just before bed along the lines of ‘Remember you said you’d help me move? Well, it’s tomorrow…you OK driving a Bedford Rascal?’ Luckily for me, this time there is no battle with the inherent understeer of said Rascal…this time, there’s music to listen to.

I first encountered Neonwaves when they were supporting Echobelly at King Tut’s last year and then got a chance to review their eponymous EP and, even though I remember a niggle over the vocals not really standing out, I was pretty impressed. So, receiving a message from the band asking me to review their latest single “Wish To Be Seen” was a bit of a surprise and a bonus.

Released on 31st August, “Wish To Be Seen” is underpinned by drums and bass, with subtle synth and some great guitar from Joe, forming a moody kind of backing to James’ vocals which, I’m pleased to report, are clearer in the mix and sounding great. As with the previous releases, you can tell the bands’ influences have popped round for a cuppa but, crucially, not outstayed their welcome - this is a band that takes inspiration rather than slavishly copying and that is really refreshing.

I’ve been listening to it for a few days now and I’m really regretting that I’m doing so via YouTube...I really want this song on my regular playlist. It’s moody, but lush at the same time and deserves to be picked up by a local radio station and given some airtime.

“Wish To Be Seen” builds on the early promise of previous releases and makes Neonwaves a band you need to check out.

Review - Chris Watson

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