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Hunger Moon - 'Grown' Single Review

West Midlands duo Hunger Moon (comprised of James Attwood and Natalie Jenkins) have released their second single “Grown”, following quite smartly on the heels of their critically acclaimed debut single “Oh Friend”, which was released in March of this year.

Having read the blurb I was quite excited, given the talk of ‘ethereal vocals’ and music of a ‘unique, grandiose, anthemic nature’ but I don’t know if I was, perhaps, expecting too much.

Yes Natalie has a great voice but, as anyone who has tried to enjoy Saturday night television will testify, you can’t just rely on the voice. And there is absolutely no doubt James is an extremely talented musician but, unlike British foreign policy under Palmerston, music can’t exist in splendid isolation. I think what I’m trying to say in my clumsy, metaphorically jumbled way, is that the songs don’t feel coherent to me...I bought “Oh Friend” to listen to as well and was left slightly flat by both. There just wasn’t that frisson I got when I first heard “Sour Times” or One Dove’s “Breakdown”.

There is promise there and it’ll be interesting to see how their sound develops, but at the moment it feels like the music and the vocals aren’t, quite, in harmony.

Review - Chris Watson

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