Fear Me December - 'Crystallized' EP Review

1. Fight Me
2. Not Wired The Same
3. This Is Not Ok (Radio Edit)
4. This Is Not Ok
5. Crystallized
6. Crystallized (Radio Edit)
'Crystallized' is not going to win prizes for subtle intros. It sets it stall at the first note of the EP. 'Fight me', the EPs first track is a monster, pounding drums, screaming guitars, awesome vocals. I might just be in love. Imagine the intensity of the early stages of a love affair when you feel naked without that special someone. Got that? Now add a touch of paranoia, a hint of fear and a big beat crushing your chest. That’s pretty much what Fear Me December sound like!
Thankfully the next couple of songs don’t contain quite the same intense emotions, they are just playing with my emotions but at least I can breathe now. Fear Me December have a thirst for success and it is apparent that they have the skills to pay the bills. Their sound belongs in a stadium, it makes me wonder what the casualty list is if they play intimate gigs. Originally from Argentina and now based in Manchester, Fear Me December are willing to do what it takes to hit the big time, they deserve to. 'This Is Not Okay' is even bordering on Pop, such a catchy chorus its ridiculous. Unfortunately I am struggling to put in words just how good 'Crystallized' is, you are just going to have to trust me on this one!
The EPs title track closes play; it’s a return to the monster first track, maybe a bit more refined, bit less paranoia but no less for it. Then it’s all over. I can breathe again, but I’m still in love, I wanna be with them again. I’m confused, why do I feel this way? Oh I think I need a lie down!
Buy it, thank me later 5 stars out of 5 (but then you knew that was coming didn’t you).

Website - www.fearmedecember.net
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/fmdband/
Review - Andrew Forcer