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God Complex Release New Single 'Breeding Filth'

Merseyside’s God Complex are set to make one hell of a mark with their behemoth forthcoming EP 'Created Sick', due 5th October. To mark the occasion, the band release their first single 'Breeding Filth', a two-and-a-half-minute, brutal assault on the senses that combines elements of Punk and Hardcore with a raw and dirty aesthetic.

"'Breeding Filth' was created before the current incarnation of God Complex came to be. It was always intended to be a single, so it made perfect sense to include it on our first EP. The subject matter was largely influenced by a news article on the Assad regime’s chemical weapons attack on a Syrian town called Khan Shaykhun in early 2017. Initially, focused on war atrocities, the track grew into a more encompassing commentary on the dark nature of humanity and how it shapes the world we live in” - Kyle Holt, guitarist

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