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The Parallax Method - 'You Gotta Be Squiddin' Me' Single Review

The Parallax Method, a Prog power trio with a healthy dose of humour in their concepts, have been around a few years producing two EP's and touring in that time, their music (if this single is anything to go on) is rich in quirky rhythmic changes, and odd time signatures, impressive riffs and staggering musicianship abound.

While this is structured and musically well thought out (I found it hard to follow any intended narrative myself, but the band move as one from section to section and there is always a small hint of one of the preceding sections in each new section), I'm thoroughly impressed by the instrumental prowess on show on this track too, it definitely sounds like the band must have an awful lot of fun playing this stuff, but it does twist and turn a lot, almost throwing away ideas shortly after establishing them, sometimes in a way that jars with me slightly.

That said the band clearly know what they're doing musically and really I do quite like some of the riffs and rhythmic and metric changes. But I'm not sure how often I'd want to listen to this kind of music which seemed constantly to be leaping around, for myself anyway.

I love weird and progressive music, but, while weird for weird's sake can certainly be great, sometimes it goes too far for the individual listener. But what I personally didn't get many other listeners evidently do, the band seem to have a good following and their music clearly has a lot to redeem it for those who can get around (and or don't care about) my personal issues with this tune. I was actually almost pleased when the muzak-like interlude at the end kicked in signaling the rollercoaster had finished, so not for me, but, maybe very much the thing for somebody else.

Review - Mike McLaughlin

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