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Louise Distras - 'Land Of Dope And Glory' Single Review

Louise Distras has a reputation for being a livewire, not afraid to say exactly what's on her mind. With the backing of Billy Bragg behind her I was expecting another version of Frank Turner.

The opening chords to new single "Land Of Dope And Glory" instantly prove me wrong. The guitar is driving the song like a race car before Louise's melodic vocals settle over them, reigning in some of it's urgency. It's still spiky as hell though but there's a definite balance here. Rather than resorting to a cliche of snarled and spat out lyrics they're sang with the ability of someone who's worked at their craft.

It cracks along at a great pace, not too fast but with enough impetus to suggest urgency and the feeling of anger Louise feels about the song's subject. Yes, it's blatantly political but that is not a bad thing, especially when the song is this good. Instead she reinforces her agenda with a melody that punches away at your subconscious. It's short, clocking in at two minutes and twenty seconds but you'll find your finger hovering over the play button. As a teaser for more new music it certainly works. Let's hope what's next builds on this strong start.

Review - Scott Hamilton

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