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Food Court - 'Good Luck' Album Review


1. Not My Way

2. Alright Alone

3. Happy Birthday

4. Slightest Brightest

5. Big Sleep

6. I've Been Wrong

7. Wrecked

8. Left & Right

9. Go From Here

10. Mind Rhythm

11. For The Morning

Hailing from Sydney, Food Court are set to release their debut album “Good Luck” which features the singles “Slightest Brightest” and “For The Morning” and it’s a great little album.

Favouring quality over quantity (the album is only 29 minutes) it’s packed with great Indie (if that genre still exists!) songs which occasionally quicken the pulse but always leave you with a smile on your face.

The album feels like it was recorded live (no taking six weeks to get the perfect snare sound or 32 takes to get that oh so special A-minor into G progression sounding just so!) and it feels all the better for it. This is clearly a band who have taken all the time they need to get the songs how they want them, having fine tuned them on recent tours of Canada and the US, and then have the confidence to know they can deliver first time.

“Slightest Brightest”, “Big Sleep”, “Go From Here” and album opener “Not My Way” (also the new single) are all stand out songs and a special mention has to go to “Happy Birthday” which features a vocal sound that reminds you of Ian Brown’s finer vocal performances.

Overall there’s very little not to recommend about this album – the band is tight, the songs are great with sharp lyrics and, with it’s judicial overall length, it means you can get the whole album in on your way to work and set yourself up for a great day.

Review - Chris Watson

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