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TrueHeights - 'Days We Found' EP Review


1. Exit Route

2. Catalyst

3. No Tomorrow

4. Maybe

5. Still Moving Colour

‘Days We Found’ is latest EP of 6-piece Alternative-Rock band TrueHeights; with a controversial twist.

We open up this 15min EP with their “Storming and Crunching” lead single, ‘Exit Route’. For me, what stands out with this opener is the chorus - fantastic! A capturing hook, with the melody playing through your mind for hours after. A great start to an EP I’ve been looking forward to listening to.

‘Catalyst’ will be next on your device to play, but unfortunately the skip button will be following soon after. A lot going on, with some good ideas but lacking that something - It also has a similar idea from the previous song in it- Disappointed.

Maybe, just maybe the trend will break for the second half of this “acclaimed” young bands recent EP.

Sad to say, the theme continues with ‘No Tomorrow’. A song we have all heard many times before by bands of the past; executed very well but not original.

‘Still Moving Colour’ is the last song and is probably deserving to be heard sooner; A truly powerful sounding track that captures your attention and keeps you wanting more and more. This is what I’ve wanted all the way through this EP.

Final Thoughts: Overall, I am disappointed. The majority of the songs are good, but not great. Despite the great production and playing - I can’t fault their playing at all; amazing - There was so much potential here but it lacks real originality.

So, to my observation. ‘Exit Route’ has an uncanny resemblance to another song I am very familiar with. Nothing But Thieves, an Alternative-Rock band from Essex released their song ‘Itch’ in 2015; and when putting both songs choruses side by side you can almost not tell them apart.

Melodies, patterns and progressions are easily repeated in the world of music, but when put in a certain sequence it makes a song unique.

I’d like to stress that this is merely an observation and not an accusation. I have asked others to listen to them, and have come to the same conclusion as I; Uncomfortably similar melodies but begs the question, Coincidence or Plagiarism?

Best song(s): ‘Exit Route’, ‘Still Moving Colour’

Review - Dafydd Cartwright

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