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Slow Bloom - 'Hex Hex Hex' EP Review


1. Neon Sequitor

2. Immaculate

3. Sarcaphaguts

4. Cataracts

5. Hex Hex Hex

Today we have Slow Bloom, a Californian Post Punk band that packs a punch with their debut EP ‘Hex Hex Hex’.

‘Neon Sequitor’ and ‘Immaculate’ are great opening tracks to the EP; Energetic and powerful sounding songs that captivates what this band is all about, no slow blooming here!

‘Sarcaphaguts’ is the first to stand out; Bringing the energy down ever so slightly and introducing some groove. Great hook line in the chorus with every instrument punching loud and proud throughout. Effective vocals and solid playing. My favourite.

There is a common theme throughout ‘Hex Hex Hex’, and that is energy. What we get with the ‘Cataracts’ and the previous song, is plenty of energy but with a bit more going on. Interesting melodies, driven guitars, a drummers dream band; freedom to express with power and simplicity.

Last but not least, EP titled ‘Hex Hex Hex’. This song has been playing in my head for days after listening to it for the first time; Very powerful with a fantastic chorus. Another good example of what these Californians can do.

Final thoughts: From start to finish this record has energy, but my only qualm would be that it needs a little diversity. Song to song, they all sound a little too much alike each other.

Best song(s): Sarcaphaguts, Cataracts, Hex Hex Hex

Review - Dafydd Cartwright

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