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Holly Miranda Releases New Single 'Golden Spiral'

Ahead of her new album​ 'Mutual Horse' (due out February 23rd) Holly has released wonky, horn-led new single 'Golden Spiral'. ​Holly says ​of 'Golden Spiral'​; "This track started as a loop I made and was messing around with in my bedroom in the East Village. My best friend, Ambrosia Parsley, came over and heard it and almost immediately sang that opening line, "Ride your pony down the block and tie it up outside of 7-11". Ambrosia grew up in Reseda, California (the deep valley) in the 70's and her friend Tiffany had a horse named Honey. Ambrosia used to ride on the back, picking plums and oranges off the trees that hung over peoples fences along the way. Then they would tie it up outside 7-11 and get coke Slur-pees. Also, her neighbour really did make ​'​sexy movies​'​.​"​ ​

Speaking of the forthcoming album Holly says “'Mutual Horse' comes from this image we hung in the studio. It was a photo of the singer-songwriter Cris Williamson - “We printed out photos of her from the 1970s and taped them up around the studio; that was our vibe.” One of those photos was of Williamson and another woman holding the reins of a horse; the two women are staring at each other, but the horse is staring at the camera. Eventually someone scrawled the phrase “Mutual Horse” beneath the picture. “It doesn’t feel like just mine,” Miranda says of the album, which took its name from the graffiti. “It feels like it belongs to everybody who worked on it. I opened myself to collaborating this time around, which made me really vulnerable.”

Mutual Horse will released on February 23rd

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