Sunday Morning Elvis - 'White Flag' Single Review

Glasgow 3 piece Sunday Morning Elvis formed in 2016 and take their influences from a wide range of sources, from Black Rebel Motorcycle Club to Frightened Rabbit and their intention is to write great Indie tunes…and boy have they succeeded.
Now you may remember the name Sunday Morning Elvis from my review of the Echobelly gig back in November and, I freely admit, I may have been caught up in the whole great live band thing so I was a little nervous about reviewing them in the cold light of day as it were.
However, listening to new single “White Flag” that nervousness disappeared. It showcases singer Ian Anderson’s ability to craft a song with clever, cutting imagery “If honesty’s the illness; then I’ll try to be the cure” before bursting into a chorus that just makes you want to sing along and damn the old lady sitting next to you on the bus.
Previous single “Guidelines” shares the same DNA of catchiness and brutality “I thought you came here to help me; but you’ve kicked away the chair beneath me” and is 3 minutes of class you’ll want to listen to again and again.
I’ve bought both on iTunes because when I listen to them, I get that feeling…hard to describe but I shall paint a picture….
Back in the late 80’s, young Chris was a nerdy wee soul who used to do his homework listening to Mark Goodier (my God, that’s dated me hasn’t it?!). Well, I remember going into school and talking about bands like The Mondays, Stone Roses and Inspiral Carpets and being laughed at for liking “Those hippies in flares”…but I knew it was different, exciting…special. I felt like I was in on the ground floor (ridiculous given I was listening to national radio, but it was a small town!).
That’s kind of how I’m feeling about Sunday Morning Elvis…and while they may not conquer the world, they’ll make it a much better place to be.
They’re on Spotify and iTunes…I urge you to check them out people and spread the word…the King has risen.

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Review - Chris Watson