Interview With 'Balance'

Firstly, introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit about the band and how you came to be?
Balance started as our guitarist Joel’s idea! He reached out to Donny (bass) and Liam (drums) and said he wanted to start a band in the light of Angel Dust. As soon as I had heard the instrumentals I wanted in that’s how balance was formed.
What were you all up too prior to the band, was this always the chosen path or did you have other dreams and aspirations?
Prior to balance Donny, Liam and me played in our band called Splintered and have been writing an album with that band which is near completion. Where as Joel played in a shoegaze band called Pinky who in my opinion are a criminally underrated local band.
I also play in a 3rd band called Curbstomp and have done since 2014. I definately think music has been a path we have all been walking for as long as we can remember it’s a real passion of all of ours!
Tell us about your latest EP and why our readers should check it out.
We recently released our debut EP (Demo). Readers should check it out if they enjoy Punk/Grunge/Hardcore as we draw influence from all of these things. I’d mainly say if you enjoy a good time and taking life with a pinch of salt then check it out.
Who would you say is the bands main song writer or is it a group effort and where do you draw your inspiration lyrically and musically from?
Joel first and foremost. The way we wrote will typically be, Joel will write a riff/song structure. Liam will spice it up with his nutty drum rhythms. Donny slaps the bass and beefs it up then once we’re at that point, if not prior I will start writing lyrics to the song just so I can portray where the song actually takes my head. Which I think makes for an honest listening experience.
As a band what do you believe is your greatest achievement to date and why?
I'd definately say the reaction we’ve had since dropping the demo and the reach it’s had! We’ve had people from all over the world complimenting and supporting the demo for the short time it’s been out and I think this is our greatest achievement because it just shows when you have a plan and you keep on top of it what’s can happen.
Have you ever come face to face with someone within the music scene who has left you awestruck and why?
Tim Louth CHT , one of the most savage/unique vocalists in Metal music period. Cold Hard Truth were one of the first bands that got me into the heavier side of music (Luckily). To be able to have worked with him since his release from jail was deffo one off the bucket list!
What do you enjoy most about touring?
The sights the sounds and the experiences
If we were to head out to one of your live shows what can ourselves and others expect?
Lots of dancing and smiles all round. General pleasant / raw experience definately not for the absent hearted.
If you had one artist/band that you could go on tour with tomorrow who would it be and why? Turnstile, pure energy at every show. Sick songs. 100% danceability You can spend an hour with a musical icon living or dead, who would you pick, why and what would you speak about?
James Brown. I can’t even imagine some of the things I could’ve been learnt from that man not only as a performer but as a human being. I would’ve spoken about life, music and core values also the secret to a good perm.
What is next for yourselves?
We're working hard on some visuals for “Spill” off the demo and also working on new music for next year which everyone can keep track of via our Facebook!
And finally and most importantly is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?
Is the Pope Catholic?
We just want to say thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.
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