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Machine Gun Kelly - O2 Academy Leeds 24.09.2017

I will be honest I've never really understood DJ sets, to me it is just someone throwing shapes to other people's songs and tonight wasn't really an acceptation. It didn't take all that long for me to realise it was just going to be more of the same. This sentiment was only mirrored by the crowd as the initial enthusiasm soon waned as the 45 minute 'set' continued on. There is no denying the guys on the stage gave it their all but when you have a sea of talent currently dominating the underground of Rap and Hip Hop you've got to wonder why someone like MGK who came from very little himself didn't open the doors for a up and comer and give them a support slot on this tour. Be it from the UK or US scene, I feel this crowd would of certainly of been more receptive. As the enthusiasm of the crowd continued to wear off the only thing to peak the crowds interest was the occasional chants of 'MGK'. It reached the point where I actually witnessed those on the barrier using it to hold themselves off as they begun to drift off. Finally the set came to an end and a final interruption to the Mexican wave of yawns came in the form of one of the DJ's jumping into the crowd.

Now that was finally over and done with it was time for Machine Gun Kelly. Sadly as I looked around it was apparent this wasn't even close to a sold out show but that didn't stop the fans giving it their all. Wearing MGK themed do rags around various parts of their bodies like an unofficial uniform the smaller than expected attendance more than made up for it with their energy. Hands flailed and bodies bounced as MGK tore Leeds a new one. I never really knew what to expect from the man himself but he certainly didn't disappoint, he covered everything from arriving onstage standing upon a giant podium to having his mic cut by the in house engineers because he decided to scale the lighting rig. It wasn't until he returned down to the stage that the show was allowed to continue. He threw in a heartfelt speech about music and the power it holds and then proceeded to dedicate a cover or Linkin Park's 'Numb' to the recently passed Chester Bennington. From here he proceeded to showcase songs off his latest album 'Bloom as well as an array of his greatest hits. MGK forever straddles the genres of Hip Hop and Rock and tonights show just further reinforced this fact. It was a welcome sight to see lovers of both genres together in one room just enjoying the show.

Next time MGK hits the UK it really is my hope there are more in attendance to see just how great he is, it is also my hope that he brings along a stronger support act to truly compliment what was a great live show.

Review & Photos - Friswell Photography

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