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Interview With 'Mallory Knox' (2000 Trees Edition)

Prior to their Thursday night headlining slot at the fantastic 2000 Trees Festival, we had the opportunity to sit down and talk to Joe and James of Mallory Knox about their idols, the festival, and future plans. Here is what I, and they, had to say.

So, second successive year at 2000 trees, what are your thoughts on this festival in particular?

2000 Trees was kind to us last year, especially considering we took stage right after Neck Deep, which is never an easy feat. However the crowd were receptive and there was a fantastic core of fans, we are forever greatful for anyone who checks us out, new fan or old. We can not wait to headline for you tonight.

Who are the bands you are most excited to see yourselves over the festival weekend?

Unfortunately we can not actually stay the whole weekend, we have a different slot at a different festival over the course of the weekend, however the talent on display at 2000 trees is fantastic, The Xcerts are one to watch.

Are there any surprises for the setlist tonight, or is it the same set played on the Wired tour?

Obviously we're going to play all the fan favourites (Bar oceans, see our acoustic set for that), however we are going to play a few songs from Wired, a few older ones, and a few we don't play that often.

Talking about the Wired tour, Mallory's popularity seems to have increased tenfold since the drop of Wired, any thoughts on that?

Wired is a record we are incredibly proud of, and of course it is very relieving for it to pay off. However we don't make music for the purpose of popularity, we do it because it is something we love, and when the fans love what we create, there is no feeling like that, man. We are forever greatful for every single person who has ever came to a show, bought a record, streamed a record, shit, I even love the fans who pirate our shit!

On a slightly sadder note, Sound Control in Manchester has recently announced that its doors are soon to be closed, what are your thoughts on the increasing number of closing small(er) circuit venues?

Yeah we heard about that, seeing a venue we played closing is never going to be a good thing. It is honestly worrying the amount of venues we see being bought and demolished for profit. It is only going to make it harder for newer bands to break out, we can only hope that new venues pop up and support smaller touring bands in the same way.

If you could build your dream concert lineup, mallory included or not, who would play?

Oasis. Oasis. Oasis. Mallory.

So you like Oasis then?

'Best band in the world' -James

If I was to ask you to pick one band on the 2000 Trees 2017 lineup that you think is destined for big things, who do you choose?

Ooh, hard one. There is an abundance of talent this year. However I would personally say the Xcerts are only going to spiral higher. They have a new album out soon and it's going to be great. They're also great guys.

This is the part where I ask you when you're going to tour the UK again, but you can't tell me, right?

Pretty much haha! Obviously we just finished the (Wired) tour back in April. Of course we always have things in the pipeline, how much of that comes to fruition is to be seen.

Thank you for your time guys, I will see you tonight, and hopefully again soon.

Tickets to 2000 Trees 2018 are available now, with a 10% discount. Get them while you can at

Interview - Luke Percival

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