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Maypine - 'In The Back Of My Mind' EP Review


1. A Little Sooner

2. North_South Divide

3. Inside Out

4. Never Far Apart

5. Day After Day

Maypine are a Pop Punk band with lots to offer! They have some serious talent and their EP 'In The Back Of My Mind' is just something else. It's catchy, it's raw, it's got oomph, it's what I wanted to hear from these guys! It's seriously great, I don't know how else to introduce it so...

The first track on the EP is 'A Little Sooner' which has a strong Pop Punk/Rock vibe to it, with a sound that could only be described as similar to that of Neck Deep. But don't worry, it's very different to Neck Deep! The musical side of things sees fast paced and well executed drums, a tune that sticks in your head produced by great Lead and Rhythmic guitar performance. But also the thickening of the beat by the bass guitar, which all in all strengthens the genre this band are aiming for. The vocals within the song are great; there is layering of the lead and backing vocals, with some sections of the track having an echo affect produced by the clever use of multi-layering. Which emphasises the lyrics and the Pop Punk feel. Something that really caught my attention was the hint of an accent within the vocals, as on some words a twang is present. I love when you can hear a vocalists' accent within their singing as it really personalises what you are hearing. Due to this twang occurring on only a few words, it adds an extra oomph to the song.

'North_Side Divide' is the second track we are graced with and this one just oozes with strong, technique filled and very well articulated drums. Featuring yet again with some more of those great multi pitched vocals, we are also introduced to some well executed riffs plus some distortion from the Lead and Rhythm guitars. With the tune showcased throughout the track, we are shown the talents of the guitarists. However what stood out for me in this track was the bass having a mini solo moment. This is a quirky use of transitioning, gives you a great opportunity to appreciate the bass and the bassist's talent. You also get a greater understanding for what the bass contributes to within the song, as it strengthens the sound by providing additional structure to the beat and tune. Which is displayed greatly during this mini solo moment.

Third track on the EP is 'Inside Out' which starts off with some killer lead guitar and drum action. The vocals within this track are great, with the main and backing vocals thickening up and providing a balance to the action the drums are producing. I really dig the lead guitar in this track, as it provides such a key aspect that is also so catchy it will stick in your head for days! Of course I'm referring to the tune that you hear throughout and it just smashes it. Rhythm within this track emphasises the main tune beautifully, as well as providing some support to drums by matching the tempo a few times. My favourite thing about this track is the instrumental sections, where you really get a chance to appreciate everything that is going on minus the vocals. It allows for the music itself to do the speaking, without loosing the story it builds on it instead. It allows the Pop Punk vibe to speak for itself and captivate you further. So it sits well being the middle track on the EP as it re-draws your attention ready for the next few tracks.

'Never Far Apart' slows things down and really brings the raw side of Pop Punk to life on the EP. With lyrics that tell a sad story you cant help but feel with this track, and the feeling just builds and builds throughout. Starting solely with acoustic guitar and vocals, this track starts beautifully! The vocals are low in pitch and provide a sadness due to the pronunciation of some of the words and the pitch itself. The riffs of the acoustic guitar sound soft and lighter, structuring the vibe that floats around this track. Then when the chorus kicks in, we are re-introduced to the rhythm guitar, drums and bass. The rhythm guitar sounds harsher than the acoustic guitar, which provides a contrast that works so well with the emotions of the track. Within the lyrics themselves you feel sad, yet angry too and this contrast of the sounds of the two guitars, perfectly illuminates the rawness by creating an relatable audio. This is a great example of how Pop Punk can be toned down to something slower, yet not lose those aspects that fit it into the genre. This is done by the riffs used by both guitars and the drums. Despite the drums not being as abrasive or quick, they still produce beats you would hear throughout Pop Punk tracks.

Ending the EP is 'Day After Day' which very quickly brings the pace back up! This song brings that fast, quirky and incredible Pop Punk sound that Maypine have produced, back to life! The guitars are perfect, the drums are well timed and ooze technique, the vocals are immaculate and bass is sweet! The whole track is pretty flawless and I could honestly babble on and on about this track! So instead I will simply finish it with, this is the perfect end to this EP for me and if like me you have this EP on repeat, it loops amazingly with the first track and makes it sound like its not on repeat at all.

Overall this EP is great, Maypine have produced a great Pop Punk sound for themselves and their talent just beams throughout. I will simply end this review with the final statement of; get this EP and get your mates, if youre into it grab a few beers and sit in the sunshine listening to it. Its great and it will fit perfectly with summertime.

Check out their video for 'A Little Sooner'

Review - Leanne Gibson

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