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Interview With 'Lucky Shore'

Firstly, introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit about the band and how you came to be?

Chryso: We are Lucky Shore, an acoustic duo with exciting vocal harmonies. We met while studying music at the University of Chester and sharing a passion about performing and creating music, we formed. Our first gig together was in April 2016.

Luke: We love to perform music, be it playing covers at bars or working on our own material. We’re both passionate about performing and really enjoy singing together. We had some good feedback about how our voices blend together and the rest is history. We now work very hard writing, recording, networking, promoting ourselves and best of all gigging mainly around North Wales and Chester.

What were you all up too prior to the band, was this always the chosen path or did you have other dreams and aspirations?

Luke: Being musicians was our chosen paths I think already. We were training as musicians and when we formed lucky shore, it perfectly suited us. We both give our everything to make it work.

Chryso: I was in my final year in university when we formed. We both always wanted to travel as musicians which is a dream we will be (finally) pursuing from this June!! We will start from Cyprus and we plan to go to as many countries as we can!

Tell us about your latest EP/Album and why our readers should check it out.

Chryso: We are hoping to have our first album out next month. Very, very exciting!! Our album is about falling in love, going the distance and generally how having the person you love next to you can make the world a better place. Coming from different backgrounds, we believe we create something unique in our music.

Luke: We are busy writing and recording at the moment and we aim to have our album out by May. The album tells our story in a way. It’s a collection of love songs focused around our two voices in harmony.

Who would you say is the bands main song writer or is it a group effort and where do you draw your inspiration lyrically and musically from?

Luke: Song writing tends to be a group effort. A lot of writing we do sat together with a guitar and voice recorder to keep rough ideas we have, to then develop them. We also occasionally bring vey basic ideas to the table we’ve had separately. For example one of us may have a lyric idea which we’ll tell the other about and we will sit and shape the idea into a song together. In terms of influences, we take some inspiration from country artists with our sung through in harmony music arrangements and our word play in lyrical content. Our work also has Pop and Folk influences.

As a band what do you believe is your greatest achievement to date and why?

Luke: Being able to do what we love. Getting our name out there as reliable and professional and having venues ask us back.

Chryso: Feeling that our dream about performing around the world is getting started. Also we are quite proud that despite the fact that we were 5000 kilometres away from each other for most of the past half a year, we still managed to come so far with our album, having it nearly finished.

Have you ever come face to face with someone within the music scene who has left you awestruck and why?

Chryso: This is a hard one to answer… We came across and played, even studied along with many talented people that it’s difficult to just name one.

Luke: I agree. There is so much undiscovered talent in North Wales and in Chester. It’s great to follow the musical journeys of our University peers and people we’ve had the chance to play with.

What do you enjoy most about touring?

Luke: I guess the best thing about gigging is having an audience engaged in what we’re putting across.

Chryso: We love everything about performing live! We love the reaction people have, adding a smile on everyone's face and helping them have a great night!

If we were to head out to one of your live shows what can ourselves and others expect?

Chryso: Even though we are just one guitar and two vocals, we believe we can fill the room up with music. We create the appropriate atmosphere, whether you’d want to relax or dance!

Luke: We’d like to think you would enjoy listening to our music. We have varied dynamics in our performances. You may be hearing something completely new, clapping along, singing to a well-known cover. We’ve even had people getting engaged to our music!

If you had one artist/band that you could go on tour with tomorrow who would it be and why?

Chryso: I think it would be ‘Civil Wars’ for two reasons. Firstly, they are a duo like us which have had an influence on us. Secondly, it would be a chance for them to get back together one more time. Win-win for everyone!

You can spend an hour with a musical icon living or dead, who would you pick, why and what would you speak about?

Chryso: I’d pick Elvis Presley! Big fan! I’d talk to him about music but mainly I’d just ask him to perform once again!

Luke: That’s a tricky question! At the moment I’d bring back Stevie Ray Vaughan so I could get some tips on his style of playing for an upcoming assessment I have.

And finally and most importantly is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?

Chryso: A bit random! Not sure if I ever watched the film but is it the one that was set during Christmas time but it’s an action film?

Luke: Whatever you wanna call it! It’s set at Christmas but it doesn’t really have the cheesy magic theme of generic family Christmas films. It doesn’t matter what you categorise it as.

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