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This Wild Life -The Asylum, Birmingham 15.11.2016

If you look up the definition of Punk Rock, you’ll usually come across something like the following: ‘a loud, fast-moving, and aggressive form of Rock music, popular in the late 1970s.’ What you don’t usually expect is slow, acoustic songs with soothing melodies, which is what This Wild Life deliver by the bucket full. I’ve been eager to catch them live since I discovered their live session of 'Concrete' and proceeded to listen to their 'Clouded' album for weeks on end, so it’s safe to say I had high hopes for the night as I arrived at The Asylum in Birmingham.

Luke Rainsford warmed up the crowd with an emotionally heavy and thoroughly enjoyable set. Claiming his influences include ‘50’s music, caffeine, and getting my heart broken every few months’, his songs are sometimes sad, often funny and always delivered with brutal and honest enthusiasm. Announcing that he had burnt 40 CDs of his newest release, 'I’m Nothing Like My Dad Turned Out To Be' goes down well with the crowd, who cheer loudly at the end of each track and could often be seen laughing along to some of the more humorous lyrics. He was obviously very excited to be playing, (he explains to everyone how he’d bought a ticket to the show before being told he was support) and is more than happy for everyone to listen to his music for free – ‘steal it from BandCamp, it’s fine’. All in all, it’s a refreshing and enjoyable set, and leaves everyone in anticipation for the headliners.

The wait is excruciating.

After what seems like an age, the band arrive on stage, and proceed to blow me away with what is quite possibly the best gig I have ever attended. The whole set is exhilarating, yet peaceful – it’s a novelty to experience, as I’m usually surrounded by screaming fans throwing themselves across the room in time to the music playing. People sway in the crowd and sing along to every track, cheering loudly when favorites such as 'History' or 'Concrete' are played. We’re even treated to a cover of Bring Me The Horizon’s 'Sleepwalking', which goes down a treat with those in the crowd who have been dragged here by their friends. The duo engage well with the crowd, apologizing for any minor technical hiccups and even let the photographers stay in the pit for the entire show.

The atmosphere in this venue was incredible – the room was small enough that no matter where you stood, it felt like a really intimate show. I’ll definitely be back to watch these guys when they’re on tour again – it’s most definitely my stand out show of 2016 so far.

Photos & Review - Sooty Photography

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