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SEASONS - 'What Goes Around' EP Review


1. Empire

2. When We Were Young

3. Last Words

4. Rewind And Replay

5. Fire

SEASONS newest EP 'What Comes Around' is a blistering example that the UK music scene is still alive and kicking.

SEASONS are a 5-piece Alt Rock band hailing from Bedfordshire, consisting of Grant Tuft (Vocals), Matt Turnbull (Vocals, Guitar), Steve Watts (Guitar, Vocals), Bradley Beech (Bass) and Antony Cardinal (Drums, Vocals). If you're a fan of Young Guns, Mallory Knox and Lower Than Atlantis you will love Seasons.

Empire - Has the potential to be an anthem with it's killer guitar riffs and punchy drums alongside some stunning harmonies. 'Empire' is by far my favourite track from the EP it's a song that gets you moving with energy and enthusiasm.

When We Were Young - From the off I can hear Lower Than Atlantis, from which the band draw many influences from, it's well rounded from start to end. Grants vocals throughout really project over the band in this song.

Last Words - Lives up to the bands quote “We are big lovers of big riffs and catchy choruses”. It's a get up and go song, that it has been stuck in my head the whole time I've been writing this review. I really love the guitar riffs, they make me want to go full air guitar.

Rewind And Replay - The backing and Grants vocals really pack a punch in this song and the solo will make your hair stand on end. It's brilliant musically and is my close second favourite track from 'What Comes Around'.

Fire - This is by far the heaviest song from the EP, the gritty gnarly sound the song gives off is the perfect way to finish what has been nothing short of musical brilliance.

I could go on for ages with what is right with this EP and I know it will translate to a live set brilliantly. If this Ep is anything to go by SEASONS are a band to watch out for in 2017.

Review - Karl 'Jinx' Gregory

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