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Alx Green - 'My Way Home' EP Review

Whether it’s the times I’ve played alongside him, or times I’ve been just a spectator in an audience, one thing always strikes me; Alx is about the most comfortable looking musician alone on a stage, sat on a chair, guitar across his lap that you could imagine. His command of his instrument comes not only from his skill, but from his confidence in exactly who he is and how he sounds, Alx Green sounds like Alx Green, and within seconds of listening to his songs you know exactly who it is. A lot of musicians post their “sounds like” or “for fans of” tidbits online and on press releases, and you can instantly hear those when you play their songs, but not Alx; he may have been influenced & inspired by those musicians, but his songs are absolutely his own.

As my first review for 3 Songs and Out, I couldn’t have been handed a better EP to start with. “My Way Home”, at barely 20 minutes long is the very definition of an EP; short, succinct and a broad showcase of Alx’s talents. With Netwton Faulkner-esque guitar work, great production quality and a crisp delivery, this EP is a joy to listen to.


I’m a sucker for songs of good hope, and this one feels like just that. In the intro, we’re greeted with an ensemble of instruments that immediately sets the tone for the rest of the EP, and this is where the production value stands straight out. “I’m made for something better” is the driving line of the chorus, it’s impossible not to drift off and just nod along.


At first listen, this song seems to be a slow burner, a great rhythm, a laid back vocal delivery and a catchy chorus. After the 2nd chorus things start to pick up and we get to hear the well-controlled and emotional grit Alx can put into his voice to push across his lyrics. This is the song that I get the most Newton Faulkner vibes from, especially interlude and beyond.


My favourite track of the four. Delicate, rhythmic guitar work that showcases Alx’s command of the entire soundboard of his guitar, using the top, the sides and the strings to create its own drumbeat. Cello sits behind just adding a thickness when needed, but is never overpowering. The vocal harmonies are lush, and with the volume up this song feels like I’m sat in a grand old church getting my own private gig.


This is a “Take 5 minutes off” song; Slow, soft and floaty. Alx has done his layered song, his gritty vocals song and his guitar percussion song, and for the finale we get this. The bittersweet complaint is that the song fades out and leaves me wishing it carried on for longer, much longer; of course, it’s bittersweet because I hit the button and get to listen to it all again.

In conclusion, my only complaint is from a personal preference point of view. The vocals are slightly overproduced in comparison to the rest of the instruments, and at times it can be overpowering but if anything, that only serves to highlight what a great singer Alx is.

My Way Home is a well-produced, lush medley of all Alx’s talents. It’s something to sit back and lose yourself in, a real gem of acoustic bliss.

Review - Isaac Birchall

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