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Interview With 'Maxdmyz'

We caught up with Maxdmyz, the London Metallers offer up some insightful answers, check them out below.

Firstly, introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit about the band and how you came to be?

Roger: So, I play lead guitar, this is Vortex on keys and programming, Jay on drums and programming, A’Zedd on bass and Twister on vocals. Twister and Jay have been in the band for a while, but in terms of my own background with the band – I love the band and it’s music, then I saw them live and I was smitten.

A’Zedd: Yeah, I think I can speak for myself and Vortex, when I say that we just heard the stuff and wanted to play with these guys. Simple – the band sold itself.

What were you all up to prior to the band, was this always the chosen path or did you have other dreams and aspirations?

Twister: My mother wanted me to be a priest – I’ve had a varied career before Maxdmyz– from despatch rider to academic – but this is what I’ve always wanted to do…

Vortex: I think, as with the other guys, the most important thing has always been music, but I also write and paint.

A’Zedd: I love to cook. So that’s what I’ve spent most of my time doing - that and martial arts.

Jay: I’ve been up to all sorts, mate – I’m very practical and good with my hands. I can hang a door in less than half an hour, and put my kit up and take it down again in a matter of minutes.

Roger: I’ve spent most of my time outside music making pipe organs and maintaining them – this has meant travelling all over the world and I’ve had some incredible experiences and met some amazing people.

Tell us about your latest EP/Album and why our readers should check it out?

Jay: The Hate Plane is one of the 31 Buddhist planes of existence, but probably not one of the good ones. It’s our most accomplished release to date. It’s really diverse and there’s something on it that would appeal to anyone into alternative music of most kinds – metal, rap, goth, rock, industrial – it’s at times a vey dark album – but with chinks of hope and light. It also features the musicians at their very best in terms of the performances captured – great songs, great melodies and memorable riffs.

Have you ever come face to face with someone within the music scene who has left you awestruck and why?

Twister: Not particularly. But I do get inspired by people (most of whom I’ve not met), too numerous to mention.

Jay: I haven’t, but I would love to meet George Kollias, drummer from Nile – he would probably strike my awe, as he’s an outstanding musician.

Roger: Lady Gaga, but I’ve not met her. I don’t know why – she just appeals to me.

Vortex: I would love to have got drunk with the American writer, Charles Bukowski – yeah, I know, he’s not a musician, but he was just so damn insightful and clever.

A’Zedd: Jazz sax genius, Charlie Parker. But he’s dead. Still, what an incredible personality and performer he was – I’d like to have had some of his stardust.

If we were to head out to one of your live shows what can ourselves and others expect?

Jay: Energy and connection – that’s it, pure and simple

Vortex: This band is absolutely amazing live, as A’Zedd was saying, and I can say that with some authority as I remember seeing them before ever being invited to join and they blew me away.

If you had one artist/band that you could go on tour with tomorrow who would it be and why?

Jay: Origin.

A’Zedd: Kajagoogoo

Twister: Anyone, as long as it’s a crack.

You can spend an hour with a musical icon living or dead, who would you pick, why and what would you speak about?

Vortex: Probably Lou Reed The Velvet Underground is my favourite band ever. I’d just say, “Lou, what d’you wanna do, go to a zoo?” It would be our perfect day.

A’Zedd: I could say Charlie Parker again – but, okay, Miles Davis. I’d ask him more about why he gave music up for years mid-career.

Roger: Stevie Wonder, maybe, he’s just such a compositional genius and I’d like to get inside his writing mind.

Jay: Derek Roddy, another one of my drumming heroes. I’d love to know the secret to just how he got so good.

Twister: Hendrix – “how did you die, dude?” Or maybe Joni Mitchell (whom I love) just to find out what the hell happened to her.

And finally and most importantly is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?

Twister: What’s Christmas?

We just want to say thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.

A’Zedd: No sweat – thanks for asking them.

Check out their video for 'Grieve'

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