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Interview With Pat, Bassist Of 'Audio Impulse'

We had a chat with Philadelphia Rock band Audio Impulse, here is what they had to say.

Firstly, introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about the band and how you came to be?

Hey, we’re Audio Impulse! We’re a four piece punk/alt rock band based out of Philadelphia, PA. We formed back in 2012 when our singers/guitarists, Barry and Nate, started jamming together for fun. As the two of them started writing full songs, ultimately 6-7, they begin seeking other musicians to create a full line-up. They sought me out (Pat) to fill the role as bassist and we found our drummer Freeman on craigslist, and that how Audio Impulse came to be. We put drums and bass to the original tracks and we wrote the rest of our initial release “Plug In & Tune Out” as a full band.

What were you all up too prior to the band, was this always the chosen path or did you have other dreams and aspirations?

Barry and Nate, separately, were in a few different bands prior to Audio Impulse. Freeman had a few projects going here and there, as well as he had tried out for another band around the same time as joining us, and I was just jamming around wherever I could. I do believe we all always wanted to be performing musicians as a career since we picked up an instrument, but this project has been all of our most successful foray into the music scene.

Tell us about your latest EP/Album and why our readers should check it out.

The number one reason to check out “Straight Shot” is cause it’s pretty fricking awesome, but I may be a bit biased. Seriously though I think they should check it out if they’re into new, emerging rock music. If they’re into pop punk, 90’s alt rock, it should be right up their alley as far as musical stylings go. It’s the first full compilation we as a band wrote together in which we really establish “our sound”. The four tracks are very different from one another, but we keep a kind of signature “sound” to it that’s us. If your readers do check it out we’d love hear some feedback to know what they liked and didn’t like about it, so find us over at, or at!

Have you ever come face to face with someone within the music scene who has left you awestruck and why?

I wouldn’t say I was left awestruck, but I was way too nervous to actually speak to him. We had the pleasure of opening for Alien Ant Farm about a year ago, and I saw their singer Dryden at the bar as we were packing up. I wasn’t sure if it was “cool” to talk to him or if he just wanted to be left alone, so I kept moving.

If we were to head out to one of your live shows what can ourselves and others expect?

If you’re coming out to an Audio Impulse show you can expect a hard-rocking, punky, high energy show, and we certainly hope you come out expecting to have fun and a damn good time. All we aim for with our live performance is to have fun as four friends doing what we love to do, which is to rock hard and perform, and we want the audience to get in on the fun with us. We invite the crowd to let loose, be themselves just as they are, and have fun with us, because that’s what we think live shows are about. If you’re worried about looking goofy doing it, we’ll assure you nobody will look more ridiculous than us rocking out and just having a blast.

If you had one artist/band that you could go on tour with tomorrow who would it be and why?

Well that’s easy for me since my favorite band, Thrice, just got together and are on their reunion tour. I absolutely love their music. I have every album and know all the songs. It’d really be a dream come true to be able to tour with my favorite band growing up.

You can spend an hour with a musical icon living or dead, who would you pick, why and what would you speak about?

I’d like to sit down with Dave Grohl of Nirvana and Foo Fighters fame. I just admire everything he’s done as a musician in both those bands, what he’s done with the Sound City and Sonic Highways documentary, and how he’s really taken the Foo Fighters from being a band to being a brand. I’d like to pick his brain and talk shop about music and the business of it, but I’d imagine we’d up just BSing and shooting the shit over nothing and everything in between.

And finally and most importantly is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?

Honestly can’t say that I’ve seen, so I couldn’t tell. I’ll vote maybe?

Anyway thanks for taking the time and having us! Hope to hear from you all again soon, and don’t forget to check us out on all your favorite social media and music sites!

Check out the video for 'Straight Shot'

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