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Alien Ant Farm - Manchester Club Academy 15.01.2016

Due to some unpredicted weather, I make if just in time for openers The Dirty Youth. This is my second time seeing these guys and gal live. And just like last time they impress. The South Wales rockers instantly connect and waste no time in warming up the sadly lacking crowd. Starting only 15 minutes after doors hasn't really allowed for the room to fill. But don't think for one second that deters the band. Lead singer Danni Monroe is packing some serious vocals and her confidence oozes, as the room fills she makes the stage hers.

The Dirty Youth are one of those bands that should be playing venues much larger and not as a support but headline act. They really are ones to watch and I hope more than anything they grow and get the recognition they deserve.

Next up we have INME. Another band I've had the pleasure of seeing a few times before. With an almost full room now they tear through a blistering set. They throw in songs from their debut 'Overgrown Eden' all the way up to their recent releases. Scanning the room I observe a sea of smiles. INME always deliver with their perfomances. Never a let down, much like The Dirty Youth you can't help but feel they deserve to be so much bigger than they are. Lead singer Dave McPhearson has always been openly vocal about how tough the industry is and their 'Day Jobs' are often their way of getting by.

This should be their day job. In such a tough industry genuine talent can be easily placed to one side in favour of cash cow bands.

Finally we have our headliners.

After the success of their UK tour last year with Hoobastank and P.O.D, of which I had the pleasure of working at one of the shows. I'm so glad they have returned on their own headline tour. Many can argue tonights sold out show is a result of nostalga. Wanting to hear that band, play that cover of that Michael Jackson song. Granted some of tonights attendees may reinforce that fact. But what a lot of people forget is Alien Ant Farm didn't go anywhere. They've been steadily releasing albums for years. And their fans and following are still loyal as ever.

The ever changing landscape of music just meant that the Nu Metal era and the bands it spawned had a shelf life. Alien Ant Farm may have dropped off the radar but like many others around them, they didn't expire. Tonight proves just this. Notably more confident than on their previous UK stint, they reward the room with a play through of their debut album ANTHOLOGY.

No one is still, everyone is singing, screaming, jumping and having the time of their lives. I always read about American bands saying they can't wait to tour the UK because the crowds here are something else. Manchester did the UK proud tonight and showed AAF the love they deserve.

They lack 1 of the original members. Sure. They are touring off the success of an album 15 years old. Ok.

But lets all be honest.

Do you really care?

Or do you just wanna have some fun with that band who are a lot more than the guys who covered Michael Jackson.

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