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Hacktivist - Corporation, Sheffield 04.12.2015

Tonights openers are Jack-Knife Supernova. And they are good. But that straight away is my problem. Because it’s instantly apparent they could be great. Though musically sound and vocally on form, what follows for the next half hour is average rock. Nothing that you haven’t heard numerous times before. Which is terribly frustrating as their are glimmers of hope. Their lead singer has a great voice and their lead guitarist knows how to slay the audience with a solo. But with honestly rather cheesy lyrics following an all to familiar formula. I am left wanting something more. The next level, which I do whole heartedly believe they can reach. Shame. But they are a god send to what follows next.

As Kurokuma walk onto the stage head to toe in Adidas joggers and jackets you'd be forgiven for thinking you are about to watch a some kind of boy band. Looking like something the 90's spat out. It isn’t until the stage is plunged into red you realise how horribly wrong you are. I can only assume its done in jest. Or this band is suffering from a serious identify issue.

For the next half hour what follows can only be described as inaudible noise. Gutteral growls and banshee like screams. It becomes nothing but an assault on the ears. If it wasn't for the obvious pauses you'd be easily fooled into thinking you are listening to a half hour song. Without even a courteous clap in between songs, it iss obvious the room agree in unison that this band are on the wrong bill. The only noteble cheer or applause comes at the end of the bands set. You can almost hear a collective sigh.

Finally the band we’ve come to see. And thankfully it was worth the wait.

Taking a night off from touring with SikTh. The Milton Keynes metal heads tear straight into their set. Singer Ben Marvin joining us in the crowd straight away, instantly setting the crowd off.

I will never understand the want and desire for mosh pits. But that's exactly what this audience bring to the table. With song after song of melody and aggression. Rap and rhythm. Hacktivist are incredibly intriguing. It's very hard to be genre specific with them. Not that I suppose it matters. It's clear they are a band willing to strip labels and branding and just enjoy the music they play. Though they occupy Corporations smaller room tonight, it's still packed with dedicated fans. And while I went into this gig not entirely sure of what to expect, I’ve walked out happy, slightly battered and bruised but as a new fan of Hacktivist.

Photographs - Friswell Photography

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