Tay Temple – 'What I Need' Single Review

This is a surprisingly good first single, as first efforts go it's highly promising. There are hints of Natalie Merchant during her 10,000 Maniacs stage but I would say this is possibly more main stream.
There is something very cinematic about the music and the determination evident in the vocals. I get the feeling it could fit in very nicely for the scene in a movie where the hero realises there relationship is no good and it’s time to go it alone.
Tay has a lovely voice, there are hints of a number of different artists in her singing but her voice is distinctly her own, there is a fragility yet strength in it which makes it well worth listening to, I feel she could go any number of ways with her music, it will be interesting to see which direction she goes on.
I don’t think this is the fully formed sound of Tay Temple but what I do think is she is very much one to watch, there could be very good things to come!

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Review - Iain McClay