Bastille – 'Give Me The Future' Album Review
1. Distorted Light Beam
2. Thelma + Louise
3. No Bad Days
4. Brave New World (Interlude)
5. Back To The Future
6. Plug In…
7. Promises
8. Shut Off The Lights
9. Stay Awake?
10. Give Me The Future
11. Club 57
12. Total Dissociation (Interlude)
13. Future Holds
I would have loved to have been able to witness Bastille’s early discussions about what the theme of their new album would be. Did they have a plan, a vision? I’ve no idea, but if the plan was to write a futuristic ode to a post covid world, with a nod to Dance, Indie and outstanding vocals and melodies, with the ultimate intention of writing a soundtrack for 2022 then they’ve nailed it.
This is an excellent album, it’s brimming with potential hits, with ideas, with brilliant song writing and lyrics but most importantly it’s just fantastic to listen to. I don’t know if Bastille are hitting the festival circuit this coming year but if they do go see them, this is the perfect album to play live. The refrain that appears twice just before the chorus of 'No Bad Days' is going to sounds amazing with 20,000 people singing or shouting it at the top of their voices. 'Shut Off The Lights' is a party waiting to happen, I’d love to be there when it does but the reality is nearly every song on this album will be able to get a crowd going.
There are a lot of clear references to the virtual world and where things might go with hints of both how it could go well or badly. A couple of songs have both direct and indirect references to Bladerunner, is this where we are headed?
They’ve gone from 'Pompei' to 'Brave New World' and '1984', who saw that one coming? Leaping 2000 plus years into the future in one easy bound but doing it with style, grace and ease.
I detected two main themes to this album, just getting on with lives in our new reality and the importance of building relationships and holding onto those matter most to us, whoever they might be but with an overarching belief in just going for it, whatever it is, and living your life the best way you can. It doesn’t shy away from the fact that not all is perfect and easy but it made me feel enthused, optimistic and like I was listening to a band with full confidence in themselves and their talent.
I’m not sure it would have been realistic or authentic if 'Back To Future' had squeezed any more movie references in, has anyone ever referenced Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Marty McFly and George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four in the same song before? I have my doubts!
Favourite song? That’s a tough one, I’m torn between the euphoria of 'Shut Off The Lights' and 'Club 57', I think the cleverness of the 'Club 57'’s lyrics just edges it for me.
Bastille are clearly consummate musicians, what I hadn’t realised was just how good they can be, if this doesn’t cement their status as real contenders I don’t know what will! This is a brilliant album, well worth your time and focus.
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Review - Iain McClay