Interview With 'Mikita'

Firstly, introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit about the band and how you came to be?
The two of us are Mikita (Ben&Ben) from Ocean County, New Jersey. We’ve been playing music together for many years, and after a brief (kinda lame) project we decided that you really only need two people in a band anyway.
What were you all up too prior to the band, was this always the chosen path or did you have other dreams and aspirations?
We’ve both interested in music our whole lives, and have been playing music basically for most of our lives as well, there’s nothing else we’d rather be doing.
Tell us about your latest EP/Album and why our readers should check it out.
Our latest release 'DIE Yung' is our latest album, it is a wild mix of Punk with some experimental and Hardcore elements, if you enjoy any of those then go check it out, it's on spotify, apple music, and carrier pigeon by request.
Who would you say is the bands main song writer or is it a group effort and where do you draw your inspiration lyrically and musically from?
Ben is mostly the main lyrical writer for the band, but writing songs has always been a group effort between both Bens. We draw a lot of inspiration from bands like ‘68, Melvins, Misfits, & METZ.
As a band what do you believe is your greatest achievement to date and why?
So far, our greatest achievement to date has been breaking into our local scene and been playing shows as often as we can, we’ve always felt out music is best heard live so every show that we play is just making our achievement even greater.
Have you ever come face to face with someone within the music scene who has left you awestruck and why?
America. Part. Two. We saw this band in a basement at a show and the kind of show that they put on live is one of the best, and it’s impossible to not move when listening to them.
What do you enjoy most about touring?
We’ve never been on tour, hoping to during the summer of 2020. If we were to head out to one of your live shows what can ourselves and others expect?
Abrasive noise, loud music, and crowded basements/bars.
If you had one artist/band that you could go on tour with tomorrow who would it be and why?
Leftöver Crack, we’ve always big fans of them and their music, going on tour with them would be a dream. You can spend an hour with a musical icon living or dead, who would you pick, why and what would you speak about?
None of them, we’re interested in moving forward and making new things rather learning from the old.
And finally and most importantly is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?
We’ve always felt that birds aren’t actually real and we’re glad you agree. (Birds watch back). We just want to say thank you for taking the time to answer our questions
Thanks for taking the time to ask them. live yung die yung.
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