CREATURE - 'Hound' EP Review

1. Cold Man's World
2. Black Dog
3. Lifeless
4. Fools Curse
On the hunt for a short sharp shock of down right savagery? Then call off the search my friend. Birmingham's own CREATURE lash out with their spanking new EP 'Hound' and much like the release's namesake it is a wild and rabid beast. Coming in at around twelve minutes long this four track firestorm is out for blood. Laden with brutal riffs and genre bending majesty, 'Hound' really is something to behold.
CREATURE waste absolutely no time in getting straight to the point. 'Cold Man's World' is a mighty opener. Fast, angry and uncompromising with a kick of Punk in the mix it's an unearthly ceremony of sound sure to appease the snobbiest of Metal snobs.
'Black Dog' takes a more experimental approach. With an array of tempo shifts and melody changes this one's the grower to 'Cold Man's World's' shower. It's an enjoyable romp with a killer hook but takes a minute to fully appreciate.
Swinging back with an instant headbanger, 'Lifeless' is by far my favourite track. It's got a more traditional feel but with something new and exciting thrown in for spice. The old school aspect will find home with pretty much any Metal head and, in my opinion, would be a go to for anyone not already on board the CREATURE train.
'Fools Curse' is the final assault in this rampage of an EP. It's an all out attack on the senses striking critical blows to your brain. Heavy at points, melodic in others and sporting a truly Punk rock cry of 'we don't give a fuck.'
CREATURE seem to be a band ready and willing to break all the rules and I commend them for it. Short yes, but full of character and a great piece of work all round. Like a Tony Hawk's game soundtrack with PMS you will no doubt enjoy your trip with the fearsome 'Hound'.

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Review - Stuart Leel